Chapter Sixteen

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"Team, Jace, Jace my team."

"And he's like... what? Your cousin or something?"

"Yeah, what the hell did you bring him to practice for?"

"Is he available?"

"No! No he's not fucking available you idiot, he's my god damn boyfriend. Do we even look like fucking cousins Jorge?" Ethan glared at the sum of his team members as I blushed from the weird accusations and even the few compliments.

Basically instead of dropping me at home, or stopping at his place for whatever reason, we'd came straight to the field since Ethan promised he'd be back on a certain day at a certain time. We'd literally hit right on the clock.

"Well maybe you should've started with that Ethan." The guy—Jorge spat back glaring.

"Ok, it's very nice to meet everyone but can we please get the fuck out this locker room, it stinks." I grimaced. The smell of sweat, must, musk, deodorant, and cologne did not mix well at all, and I wondered how nose blind these players had to be to deal with this shit on a Daly basis.

"Yeah, actually you don't really have to stay here," He pulled his keys from his pocket handing them to me, "Just pick me up at eight?"

"What if I wanted to stay?" I said yet still took the keys.

"Then stay." He grinned, and I almost felt bad for wanting to leave, almost.

"You get any breaks?"

"Lunch is at three."

"I'll be back then." I leaned up to kiss his check.

"Be safe, okay?"

"I will Ethan." I rolled my eyes.

"And you'll call me if anything happens?"


"I really don't want you to go Jacen." He frowned pulling me by the waist closer to him.

"I'm literally just going to take a nap Ethan."

"Do it at my place, I don't want to leave you alone."

"I'm not a child Ethan." I glared.

"But I'm a worried boyfriend. Please?"

"Fine, but if Charlotte bothers me I'm kicking her out." I gave in as if that hadn't already been my plan. As much as he didn't want me to be alone, I hadn't wanted to be alone either. My emotions were still wavering and I'd just had a small attack before we'd left Vermont.

"That's fine." He leaned down kissing my lips softly, "Ok I really need to get to practice."

"I think they do too." I pointed towards the entire team who literally watched our whole conversation transpire.

"Oh fuck off, shit heads." He glared causing the mass of them to scramble off.

I chuckled lightly pulling Ethan down for another kiss, "Anything specific you want for lunch?"

"Anything but McDonalds." He finally let me go. I nodded with a thumbs up and made my way out the musty locker room taking in a deep breath of fresh air.

"I love you!" Ethan yelled before I was completely out of hearing range. I would've said it back, but a few people that worked at the stadium were already looking at me weird. I'd decided to speed walk towards the car park in case anyone stopped to say anything.

When I got in the car, I waited a few moments before starting it, and pulling out the garage. As always New Yorkers and their horrible driving resulting in a twenty minute drive turning into almost an hour. Then it took me a few more minutes to learn how to get into Ethan's parking garage, then next to a White Jeep parked in one of the spaces he'd bought.

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