Chapter Six

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Chapter Six: Love In The Air

As I closed my eyes and cuddled into my neck pillow ready to sleep for the next 6-7 hours, I felt in bliss.

I was finally going home, I could finally curse my sister and Charla out, and Ethan and I were on good terms. Everything was going amazing.

I was about point two seconds away from falling asleep when I'd heard someone sit next to me and buckle in. I didn't think anything of it, my seat was a standby I'd gotten lucky with it anyways. What did capture my attention was the arm that landed atop my shoulders. I almost jumped out my skin as I took off the sleep mask and my earplugs looking straight at the person who'd assaulted me.

"Ethan?" I asked shocked. I could've sworn he just bought—either I'm an idiot or he's an idiot.

"Am I not allowed to cuddle you?" He faked as if he was offended.

"What are you doing?" I deadpanned.

"Ok, before you get all mad and say, 'Blah, blah blah blah'. This has nothing to do with you. But I might have an apartment in New York, and all my credits were transferred to NYU. But it's only because I signed with the Giants." He explained quickly.

For a second I didn't know how to feel about it. Of course if he'd gotten the opportunity he should've taken it, and when Ethan signed we weren't even communicating. Well he was communicating with me but I wasn't—

"Oh my god." I opened Instagram quickly checking my primary direct messages. And surely I saw the messages from him.

@e.belle_ : if you see me this summer or next year, i signed with the giants and transferred to NYU

"What?" He asked as my eyes went wide.

"I saw this message when you sent it and just ignored what it said—wait are you bringing Baby with you?" I asked now excited.

"Of course. He's there at a dog hotel right now, I had a friend bring him up."

I decided not to dwell on the fact that Ethan would be both living near me and going to school with me. It wasn't really that big of a deal... Well that was my way of dealing with it and not freaking out. It wasn't about me—or better yet, it wasn't about us, it was about Ethan himself and him taking charge of his career in the best way possible. If I'd gotten an opportunity like him I wouldn't hesitate to take it.

This could actually be good. This could give us the opportunity of being friends again, and if all the cards are dealt right maybe even more.

I wonder if Jayla knew this and if she did why hadn't she said anything about it. Another reason to be mad at her (though that's up to her answer on that one).

The plane revved up as the intercom came alive as the captain started going over rules and regulations. Ethan looked a bit spooked and began to squeeze my shoulder that was on the other side of his arm.

"Are you scared of planes?"

"Only when they're in the air." He laughed awkwardly obviously not trying to seem as scared at he was.

"I have an edible if you want it." I shrugged looking through my backpack that held toiletries and other stuff that isn't quite legally allowed to be on a plane.

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