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Prolouge: The Set Up

     Jayla and Charla sat across from each other in the small cafe doing nothing but discussing the details of their newest plan.

Plan for what you may ask? Well of course another plan to reunite the most stubborn and annoying exes she knows. Jayla just thought it was getting to the point where everything was being taken to far—or wasn't being taken anywhere at all.

Three years! It's been three years since Ethan and Jace ended their relationship and she was sick as tired of being their middle man. It seemed they wanted nothing to do with each other, but wanted to know everything about each other. She felt like technology was too advanced for the bullshit they were putting her through.

"So, I have a plan." Jayla started for the fourth time. She was actually very nervous to tell anyone her plan, she needed it to go perfectly and she didn't doubt Charla's abilities one bit, she was just being paranoid.

She had to be after the last plan failed horribly. She'd thought she could get Ethan and Jace into the same movie and force them to sit by each other, but when Ethan brought a date she had to keep Jace on the whole other side of the theaters and stay a bit overdue just so he didn't see Ethan and his stupid brunette bimbo bitch. The guy didn't even look good, and he walked like he was constantly shitting himself. She knew damn well Ethan could do better!

"So you've said three times before. Get on with it." Charla said. If she was being honest she liked Jayla's plans to reunite Ethan and Jace. She always liked them together and she felt like a spy whenever Jayla came up with another plan. It didn't help the fact that all the Spy Kids movies were literally her favorites. Her phone case was literally one of the Spy Kids II movie.

"This one requires extreme measures. Heights unmatched. Uncharted areas." Jayla said only partially exaggerated.

"I'm never watching adventure movies with you again." Charla rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Jayla was doing this much, it really couldn't be that serious.

"It requires a great amount of courage." Jayla continued ignoring Charla's comment.

"Tell what the the hell the plan is!" The other exclaimed growing impatient by the second.

"Okay sheesh. I was trying to make it seem juicy, remind me to be biscuit dry next time." She rolled her eyes in response to her friends outburst. Everyone looked around at Charla like she was a lunatic but she never gave a single care what others thought of her. She was unapologetically herself and there was nothing a single soul could do about it.

"Sorry, you know I'm impatient. And build up isn't my thing."

"It's cool, I was taking it a bit too far." Jayla giggled which in return Charla did as well. After a few seconds the two were crying laughing for no reason in the world.

Outsiders looking in saw them as mental patients—they did look quite crazy when laughing. They should probably check themselves into an institution as soon as possible.

"Ok, ok. Enough. The plan. Let's—let's get to the plan." Jayla barely got out in between laughs and coughs.

"Step one: Get Ethan and Jace to Montana." Jayla spoke now clear of any laughter.

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