Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: A Helping Hand

"Jacen, come on. It's me, it's me Ethan. I promise." The voice broke gripping my hand tightly.

"E-Ethan?" I whimpered out becoming aware of my surroundings.

"Yes, Baby. I'm he—"

I immediately pulled him close to me not letting him finish his sentence hugging him so tightly afraid that if I'd let go I'd be in that basement again.

"I—I was there again. It felt so real." I cried into him soaking his shirt with my tears. He hadn't minded, in fact he only pulled me closer to him.

"Shh, baby. Shh." He rubbed my back only slightly soothing my worries.

"Please take me home." I begged making him face me clutching his shirt tightly in my hands.

"It's only a few minu—"

"No!" I cried out, "Home, home." I whimpered softly.

"Okay baby. I'll take you home." He assured me cupping my cheek in his hand softly. I leaned into the touch slightly, though when I'd closed my eyes the memories began to flood my head.

"Please, Ethan. Please." I pleaded shaking him slightly.

"Let's get up first, okay? I'll drive to straight to Vermont from here."

"Okay." I allowed him to lift me to my feet, escorting me out the now empty aquarium.

We made our way to the car, and Ethan buckled me in and closed my door before walking over to his own, "I'm so fucking sorry Jacen." He broke down the minute he'd closed his door. The second his door closed I'd felt like everything in me had with it. I couldn't explain it, but it was something I was all too familiar with.

I wanted to respond, I really did. But I couldn't, I physically couldn't fathom what was going on right now. Everything was too much and not enough at the same time. I hated seeing Ethan so hurt over something he had nothing to do with.

"Let's just... let's get you home." He wiped his cheeks furiously, sighing heavily before turning on the car.

He fumbled with his radio before taking off, I'd realized after a few moments he was getting ready to make a call.

"Bestie! Whats up?" Charlotte answered almost immediately.

"Can you house sit for me for a couple days. I can't leave Baby there alone, and something important just came up back in Vermont." He told her shakily.

"Of course, but what's wrong. It sounds like your crying." She said concern now lacing her once bubbly voice.

"I—I just," He struggled to find an answer.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me right now. I'll talk with your coach and everything, call me later okay?" She sighed slightly.

"Okay." He choked up a cry before swallowing it back down quickly. He quickly ended the call and looked over to me. My heart broke seeing the tears streaming effortlessly down his face. My body stayed frigid as I stared back at him trying my hardest not to breakdown at the sight.

"I love you, so fucking much." He said suddenly taken me back a bit. He set his hand atop mines stopping it from scratching slightly at my jeans. He cupped it tightly reassuring me that he'd meant what he'd said with every ounce of his existence.

My hand subconsciously grinned his back. He only smiled sadly when it did, before reluctantly pulling away and shifting the car in gear pulling away from the aquarium.

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