Chapter 1: The Root

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Lately, Diluc had made it a part of his schedule to keep Jean company. He'd usually be at her office by 11 PM after he closed Angel's Share. It was something he would unknowingly look forward to.

Jean had been in a very happy mood lately, something Lisa picked up on. Lisa wondered if there was a particular reason... or perhaps, a particular someone.

Normally, the Dandelion Knight attempts her best to look happy despite how overworked she is. (Lisa deeply worries for the bags under her eyes.) But ever since Diluc had been visiting, Jean had been in a bubblier mood. 

When Lisa had questioned why the former-cavalry captain who-matter of fact hates-the-knights-guts, had been coming over so often, Jean just brushed it off.

How interesting, Lisa thought.

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The clock ticked eleven pm as Jean heard a knock on her door. She was just trying to finish up the last of her paperwork. Just some signatures needed here and there.

As she fixed her tired eyes on the door, she saw the red-haired man peering through the door.

Jean let out a slight giggle, standing up. "Come in, Diluc."

He walked in, sitting down on the couch. He left space for her beside him, a signal for her to take a seat.

"How's work going?" Diluc asked.

"It's going alright," Jean said as she sat down next to him. 

"Since Ludi Harpastum is coming up, the preparations have been hectic since there were some delays. And with all that's happened with Dvalin, it's been a real headache." She paused for a moment then added whole-heartedly, "But I must continue for Mondstadt."

Diluc hummed. "I'm sure all will go well, don't stress about it too much."

Jean attempted to stifle a yawn and rubbed her eyes. "How have things been at the winery?"

"Things have been well, another shipment should be coming right in time for the Harpastum."

"That's great to hear. Dawn Winery never fails to be in time-" Jean yawned again, this time unable to stop it. "I'm sorry it's been tiring here these days."

"It's alright," Diluc smiled as he watched the clearly sleep deprived woman in front of him. He should begin to get going. Jean needed to rest; he was probably holding her up.

"Very well Jean, I'll be going now. You need to get some sleep. We don't need the Acting Grandmaster fainting again, or else the knights would be more insufficient than they already are."

"I thank you for your concern, but rest assured, the knights do very well on their own. But there's no need for you to leave, I'm not that tired." Jean responded, slightly upset by his comment about the knights.

"Ah but it's getting late." Diluc attempted to protest. Jean was visibly tired, not the worst she's been, but bad.

"No please, stay." Jean said, smiling. Jean then realized how it sounded like she was begging him to stay. "I've wanted to discuss matters on behalf of some things." Jean added, in a attempt to cover up.

"Okay then, but I won't keep you up long." Diluc responded, having given up. The woman was always stubborn ever since she was little. It was both a commendable yet worrying quality about her.

It had only been a few minutes, but Diluc had no idea how he ended up in this situation.

Jean fell asleep...

—asleep on his shoulder.

He contemplated waking her up but couldn't bring himself to do it after seeing how peaceful she looked. She probably hadn't gotten such good sleep in ages. Her snores were very light, he noticed. Her chest had raised up then down with every breath she took.

He then realized how strange it was that he was observing her breathing, and snapped out of it, fixing his eyes on something else in the room.

There wasn't much change to the office, from when he had worked with the knights. The only major changes were the replacement of the books and some new furniture.

It seemed like the grandmasters desk was now overfilled with stacks of paper which Jean had been working on. There was a quill pen and a pot of ink placed on the desk. The paper that Jean had been writing on was unfinished, leaving off mid-sentence.

He felt a sudden movement from Jean, and his attention was back on her. It seemed she had just repositioned her head on his shoulder, angling it to suit to her comfort.

A blush spread across his cheeks. He had never been this close to a woman before. He'd never even taken an interest to dating or settling in with a woman.

His eyes began drooping. It was like they were trying to force themselves shut. 

A little rest for his eyes wouldn't do no harm, Diluc thought.

Yeah... no.

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Jean woke up to the sun shining in her eyes. As her eyes opened, she immediately took notice of how comfortable she was. It was warm and snuggly. She could tell she wasn't on the bed, no, she was on the couch, right? But when did the couch get so comfortable?

She hadn't realized how long she was asleep and panicked. As she proceeded her surroundings, she realized something on her back. She leaned up a bit, having a better seeing of things.

Her face reddened when she realized her current position. Diluc, under her peacefully sleeping with his hand on her back as she laid on top of him. No words could describe the sheer embarrassment she felt at the moment. She knew his hand was on her to keep her from tumbling down the couch, but it felt so... inappropriate. 

Suddenly, she saw Diluc eyelashes fluttering up unveiling his dark red illuminous eyes. Jean wanted to turn into a puddle of water at that very moment.

"Uh...I-" Jean stuttered. Diluc's face equally turned red as Jean's as he took in the situation.

"I'm sorry!" Both of them yelped as they got up. Diluc's eyes furrowed in confusion, while Jean looked away, embarrassed.

Diluc tried to figure out how they could have possibly gotten in such a position. He wasn't one to move when sleeping, perhaps Jean does? No, Lady Fredrica despised even the thought of moving while sleeping, so he knew Jean didn't either.

Then they both noticed a certain purple librarian snickering through a crack in the door.

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