Chapter 6: Change of Heart

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(This chapter is short because it's part two of the previous chapter, Morning of Recollection!)

"Come in," Jean called out, hesitantly. She was about to have a breakdown, not that she didn't enjoy his company or anything. She was just not ready to see him yet after the unexpected intel Klee had provided her with earlier.

"Glad to see you've sobered up from last night," Diluc remarked as he closed the door heading to his usual spot on the couch.

"Ah yes, I'm doing q-quite fine thank you for your concern." Jean sputtered as she was trying to cover her face that was still burning.

"I hope that your wounds have healed by now." Diluc noted, eyes on her now healed cheek and trailing down to her slightly discolored wrist.

"Thanks to your medication, my cheek is better. But my wrist isn't as healthy as it was before-"

"Probably due to you not letting it rest." Diluc interrupted. "With the amount of paperwork you go through. I'm not suprised." She heard him tsk to himself.

"R-right." There was silence for a few minutes.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" Diluc said, breaking the previous silence they had. Now Jean knew he had meant no harm in the question. He probably referred to the treasure hoarder that had harassed her. But some part within her, her thoughts kept going back to the forehead kiss.

"Ah- yes. J-just bits and pieces." Jean cursed at herself for stuttering again. She probably looked so stupid.

"Oh." Diluc seemed a little disappointed to Jean, but Jean brushed it off. It was probably her head just making up random scenarios.

"How was work today?" She asked, changing the subject.

"It was good. A few..."

As Diluc talked, Jean's head was clouded with other thoughts. She tried to pay attention to his words but she simply couldn't.

"Jean, is something the matter?" Diluc asked, realizing the grand master wasn't paying attention. She was acting a little off today, compared to usual.

"N-no, nothing wrong, what would make you say that?" Jean let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well first off, you've been stuttering, and second..." Diluc stood up walking towards Jean.

"You've been facing away from me the whole conversation..."

They both stood in silence for a bit before Jean broke the silence.

"This will sound very inappropriate but," Jean began, deciding it was better to let it out then be stuck with it for Barbatos knows how long. (For all she knows, Barbatos was probably drunk and knocked out.) "Klee had told me that last night, while I was asleep you had..."

Diluc's eyes widened in realization. Shoot, shoot, how did Klee see? He attempted to keep himself composed, maybe Jean might have been referring to something else? Diluc held his breath, preparing himself for the accusation.

"She had told me y-you had kissed me on the forehead last night." Jean finished, squeezing her eyes shut, unable to look him in the eyes.

"I, uh. I-I'm..." Diluc stuttered.

"I'm sorry!" Both of them shouted at the same time.

"What are you sorry for?" They both said in sync again, causing them to chuckle.

"I'm sorry for kissing you on the forehead, I don't know what I was thinking." Diluc said, scratching the back of his head.

"And I'm sorry for seeming off today," Jean apologized.

"You don't have to apologize for that, Jean."Diluc said, smiling softly.

"Hahaha, sorry." Jean realized she apologized again and covered her mouth in embarrassment.

"Would you like to get dinner tomorrow?" Diluc offered, laughing.

"Sure. That would be nice."

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