Chapter 3: Date with Tattoos

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Warning: This story from here on out will contain lemon scenes of varying levels in graphic displays. If you don't wish to read this, I suggest you turn your page back now and find another story.

Harry had left the shop and went into an alley where he shrunk his purchases and stuck them into his pocket. He carefully glanced around before he edged back out and proceeded to walk back to Privet Drive; hopefully without anyone noticing the lack of shopping bags he had before. Once he arrived to the house, he immediately went to his bedroom and sorted through all the items. He put them away from sight to keep his space as clean as possible and as neatly to the clothes as possible without him needing to iron anything as of yet.

His head was still reeling from the shopping adventure; of exactly how easily he had slipped into his new skin already. Though Harry realized soon enough; that he had always had the potential to be that way...he just chose not to be originally.

It was both invigorating and unsettling as to how good it had felt to be normal for once and how easily he had adapted to the change. He undeniably liked the new reality he chose to live in and really...he was truly like a snake in all honesty. Slipping into one role for a time then shedding it when he needed to only to evolve into another when necessary. Harry smiled and shook his head at himself while he hung his clothes up.

 Harry smiled and shook his head at himself while he hung his clothes up

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(The Bath)

When that was done, he went to his bathroom and took his time to have a long shower to relax his body and to ease the arousal he had gained before. Harry really didn't have a choice much as he loathed to admit it. Honestly, he would have preferred to reign control over his body and keep himself from a pleasurable save it for later.

But several hours of forced pain from preventing his body seeking pleasures and a release was asking much for him right now. Harry was not inexperienced exactly; he had engaged to some degree and he did have some control, but his new creature was difficult for him to know how it would react. His new senses made everything smell, taste, touch and made them highly sensitive. Especially when he was as needy and as hungry for touch as he felt right now. For what his creature wanted.

He might be an Incubus now, but he was still a teenage boy. He would need some time to figure his new limits when he felt he needed pleasurable company. After his erection had been remedied, Harry began to ready himself for the future in the next several hours ahead. He dressed in some extremely comfy loungewear before he eyed his other clothes and made note of what he might wear when he met up with Chris later on.

Once that was done and he sat near the fireplace in the chairs there now. Harry decided not to worry about too much as he sat down; idly wondering if this less worried mentality he gained was due to his new creature side.

He shook himself and pulled the books he had been studying yesterday towards him. They were books on Occlumency and Legilimency; however, they were more attuned to his new creature because the books were more about creatures than actual Occlumency or Legilimency. He had bought them out of mere curiosity; convenient that they now served him with more purpose.

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