Chapter #30 See you soon

Start from the beginning

After that, I headed down to the Great Hall and when I got there, a bunch of Gryffindors was all in one spot looking at something.

"Stand back. Or I'll- or I'll take it upstairs if you don't settle." I heard Ron say, trying to take control over what was happening at the table.

"Harry!" Neville said running towards me "Where ever did you get it?"

"Can I have a go, Harry? After you of course" Asked Seamus, but I had no idea what they were on about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked

"Yeah, quiet. Let the man through. Uh, I- I didn't mean to open it, Harry. "Started to say, Ron, when I get to the table and see what the fuss was about. "I- I- It, uh, it was badly wrapped. Uh, they made me do it" He said, pointing at Fred and George.

"Did not" They both said at the same time. Then I Heard Charlotte and Audrie coming over from their tables and Charlotte asked.

"What's all this? What's going on?"

I was going to answer, but then I found myself opening the package, and unwrapping a beautiful broom.

"It's a Firebolt. It's the fastest broom in the world" I Heard Ron say.

"For me? But who sent it?" I asked

"No one knows" Ron responds

"This came with it," Hermione said, showing me a pretty big feather, that made me realize who send it.

"What are we waiting for? Go try it!" Charlotte said, so we all ran to the clock tower courtyard, where Draco, Pansy, and other Slytherins were. Everybody was shouting something, it was difficult to actually hear them.

After I got on the broom, it went up into the air, so fast I could barely control it. I went up and up, and then I got further and further from Hogwarts. It took a while to get the hang of the speed and go back to the courtyard, where the students were cheering and clapping.

I got off the broom and everyone instantly went quiet, until Charlotte came running up to me and hugged me.

"Bloody hell Harry, I thought for a second you were going to fall"

"Almost" I joked and she smacked my arm.

"How was it, Harry?" Then Ron came up to me and asked.

"Brilliant" Was all I could answer, then I could see that people were wanting to give it a go, so I came up with a solution. "Everyone who wants to try it out form a line" I instructed, then all of the students that wanted to ride the broom formed the line. The first one was Ron, then followed by Seamus and Fred and George, then Angelina, and the line went on. I gave Ron the broom and he took off.

That went on and on until it was dinner time and we all went to the Great Hall.

Dinner passed very quickly, before we knew it, we were heading back to the common rooms. I spotted Charlotte leaving with some of her friends and I thought for a second about what Remus said and after a moment of hesitation, I decided not to go and ask her out.

Not yet.


Charlotte's perspective

Some time has passed since Professor Lupin left and Harry got his firebolt. So it's finally the last day of school, everybody is packing like crazy. I already have my bags ready, because Audrie recommended doing them in advance and not at the last minute.

"Has anyone seen my jacket?" Hannah asked looking all around her drawers.

"It's under your bed" Susan responded while laying on her bed.

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