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Present time third person:

"How hard did you hit her Zane? She didn't even put up a fight" Molly said, getting up from the ground. Zane shrugged. "Not hard enough. Now come on and help me" he said, grabbing her by her armpits. Peter helped by grabbing her legs after he took the sedative out of her neck. Eric was with Four making sure he didn't get in the way of Jeanine's plans. Zane Peter and Molly met up with Drew and Kai on the roof with Charlotte who was out cold. Charlotte's auburn hair was partly stuck to her face covered in dried blood from when Zane hit her with a gun. Kai stared at Zane. "How hard did you hit her man?" He asked. "She's fragile ask Peter I didn't hit her that hard" all eyes were now on Peters. "Yeah sure not that hard. We probably didn't even need to sedate her" Peters' statement was true Charlotte would've fought harder but Zane was also right she was fragile. The 5 waited for Eric to arrive. He said to leave at 2 and if he wasn't here by then to leave him. 5 minutes to 2 turned to 3 then 1 in seconds. The door to the roof opened 5 seconds before 2. With Eric Coulter behind it. The train came rolling down slower than usual. Jeanine wanted Charlotte to travel safe; they had to slow the speed of the train for that. Eric helped Kai toss Charlotte into a train car. Then the rest jumped on. Riding to Erudite.

Charlotte's pov:
Erudite. The smart faction. Their leader Jeanine, who was a bitch was trying to take over the government. The only thing I didn't get right now was why she wanted divergents. The only other thing I'd be questioning is why she wanted me in particular. Why not take any other divergent?! I mean there's gotta be a couple more in abnegation. I opened my eyes and could tell I was erudite. The color of the blue walls and the glass door gave it away. I was up and could see but couldn't move. Feelings as if I was paralyzed. My face didn't have dry blood on it anymore. Abnegation was my home faction. I was partly glad I didn't go to Erudite knowing my future would've ended sooner. I was Erudite. But I was Dauntless, abnegation, amity and candor too. It's like when you find out someone you know is pregnant. You just stand there for a few moments with your mouth open and think wow she's having a kid? But then you think of how she's going to take it when the terrible twos hit. That's where I am now. The terrible twos. Peter entered the room and I swear to God he was surprised I was awake. Looking at me as if I was an alien. Syringe in hand. "You don't know how bad I want to murder you Rabbit" I said. Rabbit was from Peter rabbit. He didn't deserve a nickname but I was beyond tired. The sedative had made me sleep but I felt wide awake. He laughed at me then grabbed my wrist and shoved the needle in it. I only twitched my mouth in response to the pain. "You really are the divergent" he said, moving my hair from my face.  "No I'm a divergent, not the I know of others" he looked at me funny and slightly confused. "I'm erudite Peter along with abnegation and dauntless" "if you were erudite you would know you're a lot more than a divergent. You are The Divergent. You are erudite abnegation candor amity and dauntless. The only known person to be 100% divergent. No wonder I hated you so much" whatever he had given me hadn't made me pass out. No, it was making me dizzy. To the point where I almost fell from the place I was. I didn't care how much he hated me. All I knew was this information was new. I wasn't completely sure how this was possible. I didn't think my faction could change more than it already had. In fact I found it almost impossible. The last two weeks in dauntless have been cruel. Not to Tris or Christina or any of the others but to me. I haven't taken into consideration that I've been through getting kidnapped like 5 times since last week. I haven't considered the mental and physical strain everybody has put on me. "No. No. That... It's impossible. I'm stubborn sure but I can't be" Peter pulled the syringe from my neck and smiled. "It's real. But we need you for leverage. To make sure your brother and Tris don't get in the way huh guess he's as stubborn as you?" He was smirking the whole time. Up until I hit my head and was knocked out for the hundredth time. I just couldn't hold the weight as if I was immobilized.

Stubborn Stiff Tobias' Sister -CompletedUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum