Los Tres

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(In the Empire)

Esdeath had returned to the Empire with scars from battle. She lost almost half of her squad to Night Raid, and this was because they had the Shinigami.

She already assumed that Kurome was dead as she hadn't shown herself in the past couple of hours. She had found Bols's corpse when going through the forest, and she had also found Wave slipping in and out of consciousness from when Susanoo sent him flying back first into a Boulder.

Run couldn't get Seryu to a doctor and bled out just as he reached the town. He was surprised that Koro didn't eat him for not saving her; instead, he looked depressed.

Esdeath knew the dangers Koro possessed without a master and completely froze him. She contemplated whether she should destroy him or not but decided to save it for later.

"What are we going to do? Bols, Kurome, and Seryu are dead! We've lost half the squad and the Shinigami is working with Night Raid." Wave complained as Esdeath was listening but didn't respond. He was correct, they lost more than half the squad, and if they were to challenge Night Raid, they would likely fail.

"...Perhaps we're in need of new members." Esdeath muttered to herself, but she didn't know who she could pick to join her. There were surprisingly very few candidates...until it hit her.

"I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier. Wave, Run stay here and rest, I'm going to have a chat with the Minister about something." Esdeath explained, leaving them as she made her way to her horse and quickly headed back to the Empire.

(With Night Raid)

All of Night Raid was concerned at the moment. Y/n had been asleep for the past few days, and while it was expected, Kisuke said that he should've woken up a day after the fight with the Jaegers.

Leone was forced to attach her arm back to herself after Kisuke explained that she could develop an infection and forcibly knocked her out so Lubbock could attach her arm back without fuss. Afterward, Leone refused to leave Y/n's side until he woke up, which was lucky considering everyone else was on a mission.

Kisuke came in once in and while to observe and try and find anything wrong. He discovered that he once broke into a sweat, and his face and eyes contracted for a few minutes before he calmed down.

He figured that something was happening within his mind, and he kept it to himself, not wanting to worry Leone for something that she had no control over. Leone was currently asleep, and he was going to leave until he saw Y/n shifting.

He decided to stay and wait to incase he woke up. He'd make sure that he was okay before asking what was wrong. He already had evidence to use against him if he tried to deny anything, and Leone was here to force it out of him if need be.

Y/n's eyes slowly opened as he got up, holding his head in what could be pain or knowing him annoyance. Y/n looked around and saw Kisuke standing at the foot of his bed and Leone, who was asleep right beside him. He sighed, knowing Kisuke probably saw something was wrong with him; however, before he indulged Kisuke in his quest for knowledge, he decided to wake up Leone.

"Oi Leone, get up will ya. I'm not cleaning your damn drool so wake up already!" Y/n shouted as Leone was instantly up looking around until her eyes fell upon Y/n. Before she could do anything, Y/n pointed to her mouth as Leone wiped it and started cleaning it when she realized she had been drooling.

"Tch, what a slob. And Mine said that I was disgusting." Y/n complained as Leone blushed before slapping Y/n on the head, saying that he should be more respectful towards women. Y/n merely replied that he'd start treating her like one when she acted like one.

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