Chapter 2: A New Persona

Start from the beginning

"Oh, yeah. About that...umm, that was my trainer in my summer advanced lessons I'm supposed to be having. He will be dropping by sometimes to teach me advanced defense and other things while I am to stay here. I will ward the backyard so no one else will see us though. He won't be staying over, unless he feels he might need to." Harry said with nonchalance

Petunia seemed nervous about this, "And this man? Do you know him personally from somewhere?"

Harry smiled easily though the Incubus side of him was practically cackling and doubled over with the hilarity of that question, "Sure, as he taught us at school for a year before resuming his duties to our law enforcement department."

Petunia seemed to relax now, "And the neighbors won't see anything at all? You are sure of this"

Harry shook his head, "Nope."

He purposely made the popping sound with the 'P'.

"We don't expose ourselves to those who don't know about us, as it can lead to a lot of Ministry problems within your world when too many of the muggle community do notice us. We only show ourselves to you normally if we have to like in self-defense, since school-aged children are forbidden from casting in the summer until seventeen years of age.

By then we are supposed to know how to be discreet if we need to cast. Other than this, we would only use our abilities if we need to escape somewhere really quickly and have no option but apparition while in public."

"Since I have been here, I have done some magic to better protect the house and you have never noticed it as you were not supposed to. It is just our way of doing things." He told her flatly

Petunia seemed surprised by this, "Your world is a government separate from ours?"

Harry eyed her oddly now, "Yes, of course it is. Since we have a different world leader than you do, but if the dark lord were to attack a muggle establishment; then our Minister of Magic and your Prime Minister have to work together to figure out the damage control. Didn't you think during our war beforehand that your news was oddly reporting tons of gas leaks or explosive house fires and that it seemed odd or misplaced?" Harry asked

Petunia considered, "I had thought of it as odd, but I never thought magic was involved either."

Harry eyed her dryly now, "Yes well, that was the point Aunt Petunia. The families in those attacks were massacred and no one was left alive in them. The reports had to be something that would allow you all to seem as if it was a normal, but sadly a very tragic accident of some manner and not something that would cause panic while the magical ministry investigated and did their things to prepare for the next outbreak as muggles continued to live in safety."

"The magical community is small, and many of us are still afraid of another witch burning if we were to be discovered by the elitist terror groups or otherwise militaristic organizations. Most witches and wizards are no different from you or Dudley except we have a unique gift you don't possess. It is how each one of us uses it to determine if they are bad or good."

"Magic is an energy that my people can use and manipulate to make our lives more easy. This energy in general is a neutral variable until the caster has an intention for the use of the energy and it could be bad or good depending on the emotions behind the intentions of the said caster. When I accidentally blew up Aunt Marge, I was very angry then and my magic went haywire because of the way she talked about my parents as if they were common street whores. The fact I was young and had less control over my core than I would now; that is here nor there." Harry told her shortly and Petunia cringed.

"I knew they were lies, but it did not help that no one intervened when she went too far and I was even more infuriated because you allowed her to demean your own sister that way; after my mother gave her own life for me to live. It was her choice and one that I doubt she regrets at all. Aunt Petunia, do you remember when I saved Dudley from those dementors that attacked us here two years before?" He asked

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