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"I'll take a look at you, what do you need?"

Name: Fennelpaw

Gender: male

Appearance: Fennelpaw is a cream and brown splattered tom with a stumpy half tail. He has a scrawny and slender frame, and you'd be able to count each of his ribs. His fur is short and curly; and he has one blue and one green eye; along with a right forepaw that's almost fully white. His paw tips are stained green from herbs and wet grass aswell.

Personality: Fennelpaw was once a  good humored and kind tom, who could be serious when he needs to be. Being a medicine cat is no easy feat, and it's a hard lifestyle; but it's one he's chosen. Sometimes he wonders what might've happened if he wanted to be a warrior, but he's never once regretted it. As life in his apprenticeship grew on and got harder, his joking nature seemed to fade as he became more and more mature; and more serious. He knows that his clanmates worry about him however; so he tries to lighten up and present a cheerful personality; even if he doesn't actually feel like it.

"I'm a bit busy right now, I'll eat later"

Likes: stocking the herb supply, taking walks, not having to worry

Dislikes: his clanmates going hungry, death, rats

Background: When Fennelpaw was born, the clan was going through a really bad prey shortage due to chemicals that was killing prey. If it wasn't dead, it smelt rotten or caused illness. Because of his mothers bad diet, Fennelpaw was born really sick; aswell as his two brothers and single sister. Sadly they all died within a moon; Fennelpaw being the only one to survive. The medicine cat dedicated all their time to him; which he grew up to admire and want to be like them. So he took the path of a medicine cat; though because of the chemicals, herbs were hard to find and many clanmates died. Eventually his mentor passed away from starving before he was done with his training.

Extra: Because he was born in a time of nearly no prey, he's really skinny and has never had a full belly.

"I miss you, Stormflower..."

First place: Fennelcloud by stuffshadow

Second place: Fennelfeather by venomtherainwing1324

Third place: Fennelflame by TroubledTeen011

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