"Ummi sent me on an errand." He responded.

"Are you going to return today?" I asked him not because I wanted to see him, but because I wanted to know when he'd have time to take a rest. I was afraid he'd fall sick. Deep down, I wanted him to spend the night there. It would save him the stress of driving back home.

"Of course. I still need to check if the reservation I booked for the wedding reception is still intact."

I hummed. "Why don't you talk to them on phone instead of going there?"

"I can't, Manal. I need to be there to ensure things don't go wrong. They might assure me that things are well, but end up making mistakes. I want everything to be perfect. I need to be present there."

I sighed. "Alright then. Please drive safely and make sure you have something to eat."

"Thank you."

"...and please don't-" before I could finish my sentence, I realized he had already ended the call.

I felt bad because it seemed like he was eager to get off the phone with me, but I knew better.

I got into my car and drove off.

When I arrived home, I went straight to Ummi's room. I met her folding some clothes in her closet.

"Assalamualaikum," I mumbled.

"Manal?" She turned to me, surprised. She must have wondered why I was back so quickly. "Wa Alaikum Salam." She responded. "You're back so soon?"

I hummed. I didn't know how to begin to ask for her permission, but I knew I had to do it regardless. I sat on the couch and waited for her to finish folding the shirt in her hand.

Ummi finished and came to sit beside me on the couch. "why are you back so soon?" She repeated her question.

"Ummi, Farida's wedding is in three days. I want to start sleeping over at her place..."

Surprisingly, Ummi was calm. "Why do you want that?"

"It's what friends do, Ummi. Farida considers me her best friend. She wants me to be there for her."

"Doesn't she have other friends?" Ummi narrowed her eyes at me.

"Yes, she does, but I'm her best friend."

"It doesn't matter, Manal. Who do you expect to do the house chores while you're away?"

I sighed. This was one of the times I wished we had a maid. I knew Ummi was strictly against it because of what happened with me a few years ago, and I couldn't blame her, but sometimes, I couldn't help but wish. The chores may not seem a lot, but they were exhausting.

"Tell me," Ummi cajoled. "Do you expect me to handle everything here myself while you stay over at your friend's and have fun?"

"It's not like that, Ummi," I tried to make her see where I was coming from. "If I don't stay with Farida right now, she will be disappointed and probably angry. Who will now come and stay with me during my own wedding? You know I only have a few friends, Ummi. It's just for three days, Ummi. I will beg Imran to not allow you to do the chores alone, and it's weekend tomorrow, abi is going to be home. He's not going to assist you."

"Left to me, I'd have allowed you, but I don't know what your father is going to say about this. He might not allow it."

"I just need your permission, Ummi. He's your husband. I'm sure you know what to say to him to convince him that it's the right thing to do."

Ummi rolled her eyes. "you want to go there this much?"

I nodded. I really wanted to.

"But isn't three days too much?"

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