● Chapter 9 ●

Start from the beginning

- You really think?

- Of course, don't you think guys? I asked the others.

- Yes, of course, all these scars make you look so cool and badass. Replied Free.

Shu looked at him confused, Lui put a hand on Free's shoulder and stopped him directly...

- Stop, you really suck at compliments.

I smiled and looked Shu in the eyes before asking him...

- Do you still want to try your luck in the play?

He thought for a moment before answering me with a small smile...

- Why not.

- Great and this time I'll make sure everything goes well.

With that, we went our separate ways. We finally arrived at the theater class with however a slight late...

- Hey, class started thirty minutes ago. Where have you been?!! We lectured our teacher.

Yeah, rather a big later...

- We went to find your missing part.

Free answered, introducing Shu to our teacher...

- Here's some good news, would you like to be our main role?

- Are you sure? I can play a role where I don't appear much so as not to shock the public.

- What would shock them? Your face? Just know that if that's it, they may well be screwed because I've decided that you'll be our starring role. I know you'll be perfect for this, come on, let's practice your lines.

- OK.

Shu answered with a big smile, he left with the teacher leaving us all three alone. A group of students came towards us, one of them spoke...

- Why did the teacher choose him for the main role, with his face, seriously...

I started to get angry, but Lui reacted before me...

- It's true that yours is so much better! Seriously, you really have the face of an asshole and on top of that you have the character that goes with it. What does it matter to you that Shu has the main role, anyway nobody wanted to play this role so frankly shut up, ok? Shu may be a monster in your eyes but honestly the only monster I see here is you. He may not have an attractive physique but at least he has a heart, not like some people. Now get out! Said Lui annoyed.

The student went away followed by the others while Free and I looked at Lui speechless...

- What? Why are you looking at me like that?

- It's the first time I see you defending someone, before you were dodging problems without doing anything. I answered.

- My Lui has grown up, I'm so proud. Answered Free in a silly tone.

- Yeah, let's say I'm tired of these people who judge everything that is different.

I smile at the understanding of his words, I always knew that behind this stone wall, there was a heart of gold. Lui knows what it's like to be judged because you're different from others, he himself has experienced it in his life. With that, we resumed rehearsals. With the addition of the main role, things got better and better and the rehearsals went well. Shu is really good I must say, he plays with so much emotion. It was his way of playing that inspired the others, we no longer played like robots but as if we were really living the play. I confess that I did not expect Shu to bring so many good things by joining the room.

● To be continued ●

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● To be continued ●

● To be continued ●

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Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Where stories live. Discover now