● Chapter 6 ●

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Valt's point of view:

We had just finished rehearsal when our drama teacher called us all together to announce...

- Well, it was very... very... terrible. I'm not saying that against you, but you don't feel the emotion when you play. I know we are missing a role, an essential role even, but try to play with more realism. I want to see more joy, more sadness, more anger, more love, etc. Well, we'll start rehearsals tomorrow, you can go. Tells us the teacher.

With these words, I left the gymnasium, where we did our rehearsals. I joined Lui and Free who were already in the hallway. We chatted for a while before a girl came up to us, it was Christina Kuroda, our student representative. She greeted us before speaking to me...

- Excuse me for disturbing you Valt, but I have an important question to ask you.

- I'm listening to you.

- Tell me, you don't know a certain Shu Kurenai by any chance?

- Yes why? I asked intrigued.

- Well, he returned to our school today, since you know him, you could show him around the establishment. The principal thinks it would be a good idea since he has been absent for a long time, even though the school has not changed at all. You don't mind, huh?

I widened my eyes when I heard her sentence.

- He...He went back to school? I asked her, not sure if I heard correctly.

- Yes, he was transferred to your class. I don't want to be indiscreet, but you know what happened to his face?

- It doesn't smell good. Replied Free, not reassured.

I walked away from them to find Shu, completely ignoring Christina's question. I just want to see how he is.

Shu's point of view:

I'm finally there, my return to school. My mom dropped me off saying the first thing I should do when I get there is go to the principal's office. I walked down the hall, crowded with traveling students. They all turned their eyes on me, or rather on my face. They all whispered about my scarred face. I kept walking, placing my hands over my ears and closing my eyes, so as not to feel too much the center of attention. I admit that I don't feel particularly comfortable. Once arrived in the office of the principal, this one made me sign to sit down and it is from there that my re-registration began.

Valt's point of view:

I hurried, nearly ran down the halls as I heard the students arguing about a boy with a disfigured face. I quickly understood that it was about Shu, sometimes I think to myself that most people are cruel in this world. How can they judge someone they don't even know just because they're different? But if you look closely, everyone is different. Only, I find it monstrous to criticize someone just because he had an accident that damaged his physique. The problem is, I'm monstrous myself for dropping Shu at the worst time and coming back like a flower right after. I know Shu forgave me, but I don't feel forgiven. I feel like I've destroyed something that would have taken a long time to build, I can't tell what this thing is at Shu, but I feel in need of it being repaired. After running for a while, I finally arrived in front of the principal's office where I saw Shu waiting on a bench outside. I rushed over to greet him, he looked up and the neutral expression on his face turned to surprise when he saw me. I took him in my arms, I don't know why but something told me he needed it. After a long moment of silence, I broke away from him and started talking to him...

- How are you? I asked him.

- It's going well, a little stressed I'll say.

- Don't worry, it'll be fine. And then, I'm here when needed.

- Thanks, it feels so weird to come back like that suddenly, especially in these conditions...

- Shu... You don't have to worry, I'm here. And if one person even makes one comment about your face, I'll put it in its place. Come on, I'll show you around the establishment, in case you forgot.

- It's true that I don't remember at all this establishment where I spent several years as a student. He replied in a joking tone.

With that, I began to tour the building through the classrooms. I then showed him the cafeteria, the science rooms and then the art rooms. It's true that Shu likes to paint, maybe he will go to the art club. We end the visit with the gymnasium, where there was also a stage for theater performances. Shu paused near the stage for a moment and watched it. I cut him off in his observation...

- This is where our play will take place next month.

- It won't be long, is your play ready?

- Not really, nobody plays with emotion and to tell the truth, we have an even bigger problem.

- That's to say?

- Let's say we're missing a role.

- Is it an important role?

- It's a main role but nobody wanted to audition for this role.

- And... what is this role?

- This is the role of a depressed boy who hides under masks so as not to show others who he really is. And he only reveals his true colors to the person he trusts the most. It was originally a female role, but we turned it into a mixed role by changing a few small details. If the role is played by a girl, then there will be a final kiss with the boy playing the role of supporting and falling in love with the person. If the role is played by a boy, then there will be no romance in the play and therefore there will be no final kiss.

- It's ridiculous...

- You think that too?

- Who plays the other main role?

- It's... It's me.

Suddenly I had an idea...

- Would you like to play the other role?

- Would you like to play the other role?

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

● To be continued ●

● To be continued ●

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن