● Chapter 7 ●

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Valt's point of view:

After class, I went to join Lui, Free and Ayumi at the cafe across the street. As usual, our discussions are about everything and nothing. Until we started talking about the sensitive subject...

- So, Shu's first day went well? Ayumi asked.

- You could say that. I answered.

- Yeah...if you ignore all the students talking behind his back. Added Free.

- It takes everything on this Earth. Added Lui.

- Yeah... It worries me a bit for the future. I say worried.

- I see, and your play, how is it progressing? Ayumi asked us.

- Always the same in the end. Replied Free.

- Yeah... I affirmed.

It was a good time to let them know my idea...

- I asked Shu to perform in the play.

- Seriously?! replied Free astonished.

- It's great! Added Ayumi.

- And what did he answer you?

- He told me that he would come to rehearsals tomorrow and that if he liked it, he would accept to play in the play.

- In my opinion, it will be beneficial for the problem of the missing role. He tells us.

- Surely.

- You have nothing to say Lui, we haven't heard you since the beginning of the conversation. Asked Ayumi.

- I prefer to ignore the subject. The less it concerns me, the better off I am. He answered us.

When I think about it, it's not the first time that Lui doesn't share his opinion when it comes to Shu. Looks like he sees Shu as a problem, I'll have to ask him someday. Once back home, I did my homework and then took my shower. I kept thinking back to what Shu said to me earlier that day... He told me that sometimes he wishes he was invisible to everyone, that people's eyes made him feel bad. easy. I understand how he feels, even if I don't focus on it. I can't even imagine all the stares he has to put up with daily, especially now with what's happened to him. It is on these thoughts that I went to bed, tomorrow may be a long day. I hope Shu will agree to play in the play, I don't know why but just knowing that Shu might play in the play motivates me even more. No matter what role he will have, feeling me with him warms my heart. The next day, I left early for school, I didn't want to miss this day in any way. I met Lui in front of the entrance to the building, it was time for me to ask him the question that has been on my mind for a while...

- Hi Lui.

- Hi.

- You're not with Free this morning? I asked him.

- No, he dragged to leave this morning, I had to wait outside. It pissed me off, so I left without him. He answered me.

- I see, and he knows that you left without him?

- We'll see if he yells at me when he gets to school.

- Mmh... By the way, can I ask you a question?

- Tell me.

- Is there a reason why you don't want to talk about Shu?

- Not really, why?

Falling Apart ⎮By Miko_Koru ►Yaoi ● English.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang