Wanna bet?

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I wake up to the sun beaming on my face. I squint as I look around and quickly put my palm on my head because it hurt. I realised I was surrounded by blankets and I smiled. "Ello gorgeous." George smiles as he walks in with a tray of biscuits, ice tea, and fruit. "Biscuits? Are you okay George? Do you remember that last time someone had your biscuits." I laugh reminiscing about the time Yoko had one of his biscuits. "Yeah, but yer me wife. I have no choice. Also Bella steals them all the time the cheeky little shite." He laughs as he places the tray on the bed. I grab a biscuit.

"Mick's coming over today. If that's alright with you. I can cancel if you'd like. But he wants to meet Bella." George explains. "No it's fine, he can come."

"Okay! Come downstairs when yer ready." George kisses my forehead then leaves.

After a while I finally get up and head downstairs. "Hey Ell." Richie says as he takes a bite out of his toast. "Ello." I wonder over and steal one of his slices. "Ayyy!" He shouts trying to take it off me. I giggle like a child. "My house, my rules." I smile.

"Mummy!" Bella runs over to me for a hug. "Ello sweetie! I missed you!" I give her a kiss and then give her the slice of toast. "Look. Lee drawing!" She hands me a drawing. It was a picture of Doris my cow and me I think, it was all I could make out.  "Aww did you do this with Lee?" I ask admiring the drawing. Bella nodded. "How sweet." I put Bella down and she runs back over to Lee. "Joined at the hip aren't they?" Richie says. "Yup. Good luck leaving." I laugh.

I do some work for a while in my office and George enters. "Mick is here." He tells me. "I want a horse." I say.


"I want a horse. I mean we can afford it, and we have so much land to use so why not?"

"Uhhh, are you sure? I mean it's a big responsibility along with Doris an all."  George rubs the back of his neck.

"Yeah I can handle it! I have worked it all out." I smile.

"Okay then if ye say so." George laughs.

We both head downstairs and see Mick sat with Bella, smoking a cigarette. "Want one George?" He offers. "No thanks, I quit when Ells-bells got pregnant."

"Oh okay." Mick retracted his hand. We hung out for a while and it was really awkward. Luckily Lee and Arabella wouldn't shutup so they kept things not silent. Mick ended up leaving and the tension was relieved. "I feel like I just got inner peace at last." I laugh. "yeah ahaha." George laughs as we watch Mick drive away.


I wake up one morning to the phone ringing. "What." I say grumpily. "Hi." It was Richie. "This better be interesting because you woke me up." I say with clenched teeth. "Maureen and I are having a divorce."

"Okay you win that's interesting. What happened?" I say. "I dunno, we just drifted apart, and argued all the time. She's kicking me out so can I stay with you until I find a place?" He asks. "Of course, anything you need me and George are both here for you." I smile.

Ringo arrives around the same time as dinner and we all sit down and eat. "Hi uncle Richie, are you having a sleepover?" Bella asks. "Yes! I can't wait to hang out with you and have pillow fights bells." He replies. We continue eating dinner until the phone rings. "God damnit it, hold on I'll get it." I stand up and leave the room to answer the phone.

*George's POV*

After Elsie leaves the room we all continue eating dinner, Bella telling Ringo all about school. "My teacher says I'm really smart for my age." She smiles. "Oh really? You got that from me." Ringo smiles. "Uhhh mate. I think it's safe to say she got it from me." I interrupt. Ringo glares at me. "You wanna bet Geo?" He says. "Well duh, who can do Bella's homework the quickest." I say crossing my arms. "You're on. After dinner yeah?" He says also crossing his arms. "Loser sleeps with Jojo for the night." I smile knowing Ringo hates that. "Oh I'm so gonna win."

Elsie walks back in. "Everything okay love?" I ask. "Yeah just got offered to collaborate with this band." She replys sitting back down. "Care to elaborate?" Ringo asks. "Uhh it's this British band, getting pretty popular. They want me to sing in one of their songs." She explains.

"Who's the lead singer?" I ask.

"Uhhh... Crap." She snaps her fingers trying to remember. "Oh! Uhh it's, it's Fred something."

"Wait I got it!" She smiles proudly.

"Freddie Mercury he calls 'imself."

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