08- We're Sorry...

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Everyone sat around the open doors of the ambulance and put their headlamps on. Mads looked at the very obvious head decor and scoffed at everyone. "I can't believe you're wearing that." She said to Kate. "I can't believe you're above wearing it when we're going into the middle of the fucking woods and dead maniacs are chasing after us." She argued back.

Alexis sat on the edge of the ambulance, adjusting hers on her head. "Here, let me help you." Josh said, standing in front of her and pulling on the straps a little. "Thanks." Both looked at each other. They both wanted to say the same thing. "I haven't stopped loving you." Only silence filled the void. "Hurry up, guys!" Simon called out from the woods. Both ventured off into the woods to find Amara's now totaled car. What they didn't see was a shadowy figure running into the woods with them, cutting out the ambulance lights.

Alexis saw the car and jogged up a little. "I remember being around here..." She got on her hands and knees to feel around the moss. "And started crawling around and-" She felt her hand go down into the moss and tugged on something. "Chains." She said, pulling them up. "Kinky..." Kate said, leaning into Elle's warm touch.

"Not just chains." Sam mentioned, moving some moss. After some movement, she found a skull and bones buried under some moss. "Ewww..." "That's so cool!" "What the fuck, Tori?!" Josh picked up a padlock with a keyhole. "It's her. This is her grave." He said, showing them the lock that had Fier engraved into it.

"Oh this is bad...this is really, really bad!" Simon said, panicking. "Yeah! You don't fuck with the paranormal, man!" Tori added on. "What do we do?!" Elle asked. "What if we reburied them?" Simon asked.

Mads looked at him with an idiotic expression. "That's so dumb-" "Thats genius." Mads and Josh said at the same time. Deena looked from Josh to Simon as he spoke again. "Yeah! In- in Poltergeist!" "Okay but that's fictional." Elle reminded him. But no one was listening as they went to go rebury Sarah's bones.

Deena, Sam, and Mads decided to keep a lookout for anything. "So what are we gonna do about Martin?" Mads asked. "Huh?" "Martin. He's still stuck in the police department. What are we gonna do?" She asked. Deena and Sam looked at each other. "We're gonna break him out. Or well, try to." Sam said, proud of herself for thinking about her plan. "Would you want to do that, miss preppy? And you, Deena?" Mads asked. "If it's for you, then yes. Yes I will. We can let them do the witch shit and we can go break Martin out of prison." Deena said, making the plan official.

Simon and Tori grabbed an old sheet laying in the trunk of the car to wrap the bones in. Elle and Kate dug around the moss to make it a comfortable position for everything to lay in. Alexis grabbed what she assumed was a femur and felt it again. The darkness surging through her. "You...IT'S YOU!" The same voice yelled. She felt like she was going through an out of body experience. A shake interrupted her from it. She looked over to see Josh, looking at her worried. "You okay?" She nodded quickly, feeling some blood drop from her nostrils, wiping her hand across to remove the blood.

A twig snapped and the three girls on lookout turned their heads towards it. "Might wanna hurry up guys!" Deena called out. By then, Simon and Tori finished wrapping the bones. "There! There!" Tori said, finishing the wrapping. "We're sorry..." Simon whispered. Everything got quiet. "Did it work?" Elle asked. Another twig snapped and everyone looked this time. "I don't think we're alone in here!" Sam yelled.

A figure with an axe came running at the teens. "RUN!" Mads yelled as the three of them ran towards Deena's car. Elle and Kate made a run for it along with Tori and Simon. Alexis bent down to pick up something and came back up to almost be met with an axe to the chest. Josh grabbed her arms and yanked her towards his direction as they ran back to the ambulance. The guy chased after them with his axe and watched the now group of six ran towards the ambulance and got in, driving away.

"That was the Camp Nightwing killer." Josh said. "THAT was a bust!" Elle yelled from the front of the ambulance as she ran a hand through her hair. "Maybe it's not like the movies! Maybe it's not as simple as reburying bones!" Tori said and Simon grabbed some tissue for Alexis' nose as more blood ran out. "Yeah! Yeah cool! Hey, how do I not die?!" "WE! How do we not die! And I'm looking at you, witch nerd!" Simon yelled, pointing at Josh. "I do- I don't know!"

"They're not coming for you!" Alexis yelled. The ambulance got quiet and she continued. "They're coming for me." "That makes no sense!" Josh said. "I saw her again. She seemed...angry. And every time I come into contact with something of her's, she keeps saying something like, 'you...it's you!' or something. She wants me." Elle put the pieces together. "Yeah! When he came down towards us, it's like he ran past all five of us and ran towards her. Like he was dead set on getting her!"

"That makes no sense! Skull Mask attacked us! At our house! And went after you guys while babysitting!" Kate stopped the ambulance and climbed to the back. "He didn't want us! He wanted this." Kate said, ripping Simon's jacket open. Dried up blood sat on it and everyone shrunk back in disgust. "Deena must've had some on her too." Tori added on.

"Yeah! F-from the crash, when Alexis puked period. It's Jaws, dude! A shark smelling blood!" "Well what did they do in Jaws?" Alexis asked. "Pretty sure they didn't go skinny dipping with the goddamn bait!" Elle almost yelled. "My girlfrie- my ex girlfriend isn't bait!" Josh yelled. "Yes I am." She said. Elle admired her boldness that she had in a moment of life and death. "She might be right. So let's give these motherfuckers what they want!"


The three driving in Deena's car drove to the Union County Police Station. Pulling up, they all got out of the car. "All we need to do is try and sweet talk our way out of here. Then we'll be on our way." Sam said, walking up to the building. "Easier said than done." Mads mentioned.

They walked into the building and walked up to the front desk. "Could I help you tonight?" The receptionist asked. "We need to speak to Sheriff Goode." Deena said, talking her fingers on the desk. "I'll go get him." She sweetly smiled, walking towards the back to get Nick. "And now we wait..." Deena said.


Simon dropped a lost and found bin in front of the group as they sat in their school's hallway. "Pick out anything. You can't have a drop of Alexis' blood on you." Josh explained. "Impossible for me since it's running through my veins." She commented. Simon walked towards the boys bathroom and Tori followed. Elle went into the girls bathroom with Kate. "Guess that just leaves us..." Alexis said, awkwardly smiling. Alexis and Josh looked at each other and walked towards one of the classrooms.

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