"It was a long one," George said and looked at his watch, "it was about ninety seconds long."

"How long was I asleep for?" she yawned.

"About fifteen minutes," Fred kissed her cheek. "Do you want anything darling?"

"Cold apple juice would be nice," she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'll go get it," George smiled and left the room.

When George returned with Madeleine's juice, Lee, Alicia and Lizzie also came into the room to keep the blonde and Fred company. Maddie was now swaying back and forth with Fred's help on a chair, the redhead who insisted in her switching positions every thirty minutes to ease the contractions' pain slightly. His hands were always placed on her body, either if it was holding her hand, letting her lean against him or applying pressure on the low of her back when the pain became unbearable. Lee kept filming the video, moving the camera around so that everyone could say something to the babies for them to see in a future.

"I've come to a conclusion," Maddie yelped after another contraction was over.

"A conclusion of what?" Alicia asked.

"That I would rather get stabbed, cursed with that dark lacerating curse and get tortured for weeks all over again than keep doing this," Maddie huffed.

"How reassuring," both Lizzie and Alicia muttered.

"How is it possible that the three of you are so connected that you got all knocked up in less than a year?" Lee laughed loudly.

"Don't look at me," Fred shrugged. "One of ours was at least planned."

"I'm just so happy that our babies will get to grow up together," Lizzie sighed dreamily.

"Yeah, I bet they're gonna give all of us hell though," George added.

"Not me," Lee smirked. "I'll be the cool uncle who spoils them rotten."

"Another one's coming," Maddie hissed and hid her face in Fred's chest as he rubbed her back.

"Those two were really close together Mads," George gulped after the blonde had let out a loud pained scream when it was over.

"I noticed," she breathed and changed positions again when she felt the pain again not even five minutes later. "Not again."

"Breathe in and breathe out love," Fred applied pressure on her sides as she leaned against him. "You're doing so good, I love you so much."

Just after the contraction stopped, Morgan came into the room with a bright smile on her face and asked Madeleine to lie on the bed again. "Okay, everyone but the father and Bennet out."

"Is it time already?" Maddie asked hopefully

"That's what I'm gonna check," Morgan said.

"Contractions have been every five minutes and approximately fifty seconds each but the last one was three minutes after the previous one and was way stronger-"

"I can see why," Morgan beamed and pulled Maddie's robe back down. "You're seven centimeters dilated now Madeleine and things are moving faster now."

"Only three more?" Maddie smiled weakly.

"Only three more and you'll be able to push Mads," Lizzie grinned.

"Shit," Maddie grunted and shut her eyes closed when the pain returned.

"Almost there angel, you got this," Fred kissed her temple.

To try and keep her mind distracted, which truly was the only other thing he could do besides hold her hand and tell her how much he loved her, Fred thought it would be a fun idea to play guessing games between contracions to in his own way, encourage her towards the finish line. "What time do you say they'll be here?" he caressed her cheek with his thumb.

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