Chapter XX: Time restored

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*Y/N's POV

It was the next day, sky was clear and beautiful... considering it was still night and starless. I was in front of the main gates to the castle, its owner on the other side of the gate...

You: "Bye Fischl... I'll return as soon as possible okay?" She was waving at me with the silver ring as a pretty awesome decoration of her finger...

Fischl: "Bye Y/N.... be careful... you know mom mentioned some Night Crawlers... we don't even know how they look like.

You: "I will..." I turned around and got on the way... it was pretty quiet... even the wind didn't do any sound...

*4 days later*

There were howls coming from the forest around... but alas I still continued until I arrived to the river Fischl had so much problems crossing the first time we went to the temple.

This time it was different... the water stream seemed much stronger than before... and the water level was higher too... there was no way I could cross it.

Great... I gotta find another way around don't I?

I went along the river hoping to find some bridge... or a log that would act as one... but no luck...

You: "Great... just great... why didn't I take a horse?"

A loud growl was coming from behind me... I looked and dodged out of the way out of instinct... the creature leaped at me...

It was a thing made of black substance... it had red eyes and stars as teeth... that must be a Night Crawler...

You: "You don't seem too dangerous..."

It started digging under the ground.

You: "Well you are..." I jumped into air the Night Crawler trying to bite at me from below... the stars crashed together causing an explosion to happen... it sent me to my luck on the other side of the river... unfortunately though the force was too strong I rolled quite some time on the ground.

Night Crawler jumped across the river like it was nothing... I charged the electricity in my fingers and shot at him.. he ducked under and continued rushing at me.

He leaped and swiped at me with his claws...

He made a contact as he tore the flesh a bit... blood pouring out.

You: "You won't get me!!!"

I charged the electricity again and this time shocked the night crawler to death.

If there will be more of those... I'll die for sure... not to mention I'll walk way slower now...

I stumbled the rest of the way luckily not encounterong any other Night Crawlers.

The leg was hurting... the blood was coming out too fast... I had to stop... even though the room for the String of Time Illusion isn't far anymore I had to take a rest... otherwise I could bleed out.

I leaned myself against the wall and waited... but the wound wasn't stopping... instead it bled faster.

You: "What the- I'll.... I'll die here?" Another growl was heard... it was another Night Crawler...

Good bye cruel world... I'm sorry Fischl... guess I won't be marrying you after all...


Who's that?

Tome of Lightning... or rather the electricity within... the one that almost killed you when you touched me for the first time...

Never Rising Sun: Male Reader x Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now