Chapter III: Oz the raven

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A/N: The other language here is absolutly random...

*Y/N's POV*

Fischl's been acting really strange lately... I noticed her looking at me most of the time but when I looked at her she looked away and her cheeks became red... also whenever I said something like 'my dear princessin' or similar she started stuttering too...

Hmmm... really strange but... I think I know what's going on... she likes me... if only she's not acting.... I think I will enjoy teasing her a little... after all her feelings for me helped me win that archer contest...

I was going to her room as I knocked...

You: "Fischl can I come in?"

Fischl: "....and I- oh... ummmmm please come in."

I entered her room... she was sitting on her bed and her mother was standing there.

Elke: "Ahh... Y/N right on time."

You: "Is something wrong Ms. Elke?"

Elke: "Not at all Y/N... Fischl was telling me about how she pierced through that target... I'm sure you know what I'm talking about."

You: "Yes I recall..."

Fischl: "The butler said Verurteilungs could manipulate electricity at any time... that's how I was able to pierce through it."

Elke: "Yes... but that's not all... each and every Verurteilung had a special night raven by their side... their names varied and they were fighting by their side..."

Fischl: "Night raven? I never heard about that.."

Elke: "I never felt like telling you... because we Immernachtreichers aren't that special.."

You: "What do you mean?"

Elke: "There's a thing I should say... our family is from a planet called Teyvat... and after the Darkness War we were sent to Immernachtrich to prevent darkness from coming back... eternal darkness that is..."

You: "But I'm not Veruteilung... right?"

Elke: "No you're not... but when I was giving birth to Fischl I had to travel to Teyvat to do so.. I stayed there for some time until Fischl got old enough to travel back... during that time she met you and she insisted on you coming with us. I still remember that... we asked your mother... she's a great friend of mine and she trusted me enough to allow you to travel with us."

You: "My mom?"

Elke: "The lady that you met a few times.. who said she's here to chat with me..."

You: "That was my mom?! The one in the purple cloak?"

Elke: "Yes her."

You: "Why didn't she say anything!"

Elke: "I get you are angry now Y/N but she saw how you are here and that Immernachtreich is more of your home planet than Teyvat ever was... she was afraid it would be too much for you... and she wanted you to stay here..."

Fischl: "That's not reason enough for her to hide her identity in front of him."

Elke: "She thought you'd want to come back with her..."

You: "And leave you two behind?" I looked at Fischl and smirked mentally... "That's a huge no." As expected Fischl started blushing as she looked down.

Elke: "That's nice of you... anyways we should get going."

Fischl: "Where?"

Elke: "Night ravens don't appear everywhere on Immernachtreich... there's one place where there are a lot of them.. you can say it's their main nest."

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