Chapter VIII: First comission

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*Y/N's POV*

Rita: "And you two... tell me everything you know..."

Fischl: "That the String of Time Illusion is missing, that Abyss Order makes troubles and that Y/N harnessed the power of the book he's holding..."

Rita: "How did you even harness it..."

You: "Wait I'm confused... the book I'm holding... you gave it to Ms. Elke?"

Fischl: "And why is it so important?"

Rita: "Alright, alright I should explain... yes I gave the book to Elke and told her to hide it well so nobody could open it... even though it required a key... and the book is a trophy that once made chaos on both Teyvat and Immernachtreich. There are plenty of books about the war that happened many years ago, the war where wielder of the book got killed... an Abyss Lector... it got lost for good..."

You: "Then how is it here? If it got lost..."

Rita: "The Chasm Underground mines... that's where it was picked up..."

Oz: "Hold on... the war happened on Immernachtreich... how did the book end up on Teyvat?"

Rita: "The Abyss Lector made a portal and threw that book in before he died... anyways after the book was found again Abyss Order made even more mess than before... it drived them crazy, they wanted that book at all costs, so the Qixing found me and gave me the book... it was too dangerous for me to have it here... that's why I sent it to Elke where it could be more safe..."

You: "Turns out it wasn't."

Fischl: "Abyss Order infiltrated Immernachtreich in order to take that book."

Rita: "What? They infiltrated it? Could it be? Of course how could I be so stupid! In Immernachtreich that book had stronger power which means they could pinpoint it better..."

You: "And after I harnessed the power the time of day stopped... stuck at night."

Rita: "Temple of Time..."

Oz: "Got ambushed by Abyss Mages... killed the guards there... and probably stole the string."

Rita: "And that means... darkness is arriving... again..."

Oz: "It is possible..."

Rita: "Now my questions... how did you unlock the book?"

Oz: "I did..."

Rita: "Okay... hmmm... and the power, Y/N?"

You: "I don't exactly know how, I only know I almost died because of the shocks... then some markings appeared."

Rita: "Markings? But that's impossible for a human..."

You: "Elke said that too... maybe I'm not entirely a human?"

Rita: "You definitely are a 100% human... can you use that power?"

You: "Use that power? I don't know how."

Rita: "Just open the book..." I did so but nothing happened... "Let it be..." I did that too and the book was floating around me... "Now move with your hands and think like you want to use a lightning.." I did so yet again it took some time though... lightning bolts fired from my fingers...

Fischl: "Whoa!"

Rita: "You see... when you harnessed the power the book becomes normal... and serves only the one who first opened it... until of course the weilder dies... in that case the power returns to the book.

Fischl: "How do you know so much about it?"

Rita: "Uhhh... do you really think I didn't do some research on the book? It was really difficult to find something about it but I managed to look into the history of the book... with Mona's astrological knowledge."

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