Chapter I: Kingdom of Verurteilung

Start from the beginning

Fischl: "Haven't you seen Y/N?"

???: "I'm afraid I haven't... I just got here myself."

Fischl: "Oh... thanks for the help anyways..."

???: "Any time my princessin..."

I noticed Fischl was looking around.

Fischl: "Come on Y/N this is no fun. We're not playing hide and seek..." I was still quiet. "Did he go somewhere else?" Just as she was about to give up I showed myself... but it was in the style I scared her. "HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"

You: "Hehe... scared you." She pouted as few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Fischl: "You big meanie!!! Hmph." She looked away from me as she went away..

You: "Fischl wait.." she wasn't waiting. "Come on Fischl it was just one scare..."

Fischl: "You're mean I'll be mean... leave me alone." I caught up to her and took her hand...

You: "Fischl..." She looked at me and tried to get free but I kept holding her by her wrist.

Fischl: "Let go!"

You: "I won't..." She started crying.

Fischl: "It hurts!" She was really in pain so I let her wrist go

You: "Don't walk away Fischl please..."

Fischl: "Okay... I won't..." She looked at me with teary eyes. "Why did you scare me..."

You: "For fun.."

Fischl: "For fun you say? How about I just ignore you for a day for fun."

You: "Yeah as if..."

Fischl: "You don't believe me? Alright then as you wish."

You: "Fischl..." she was quiet... but still looking at me and pouting... "I'm sorry."

Fischl: "Sorry?"

You: "Yes... for scaring you..."

Fischl: "You're not gonna make fun of me again... no no mister..." I hugged her... something I always did when she was mad or sad...

You: "I mean it."

Fischl: "Jeez... you're so easy to manipulate..." I released her from the hug and looked at her confused

You: "What do you mean?"

Fischl: "I'm not mad at you at all Y/N... what you did scared me yes but it was fun so... this was just a payback."

You: "You're kidding..."

Fischl: "Nope... I got you this time..."

You: "Fine whatever... shall we go back?"

Fischl: "Of course." And so we got on the way back to the library.

You: "What did you mean I'm easy to manipulate..."

Fischl: "I meant that when someone is sad because you did something you try to cheer them up and... the fact you hug them means you seriously mean you're sorry... so I decided to do a little acting."

Time for a little payback

You: "Someone? As far as I know... I only hugged you when you were upset because of me."

Hehe... this will be fun... unknown to me what I just said is something that changed Fischl...

The princessin stopped in her tracks as I looked at her... her face was a little red.

Fischl: "Only me?"

You: "Yes... not your mom... not anyone else... only you." She looked away, her face still red.

Fischl: "Th-Thanks Y/N."

You: "Come on let's go."

Fischl: "S-Sure."

*Fischl's POV*

Wow... I always thought he hugged people he made angry.... wait I have to recall things just to make sure he's not joking about it. Let's see... he made mom angry a few times in the past and... what he did was to cry and say sorry... he never hugged her before... and our raven butlers, nope he definitely didn't hug them... so why only me? What could it mean? Should I ask... there's no loss in asking that so I might try...

Fischl: "Umm... Y/N?" He turned towards me with a smile.

You: "What is it princessin?" For some strange reason my cheeks started burning me.

Fischl: "W-Why do you always hug only me?"

You: "Because we're friends..."

Just because of that?

Fischl: "Ehm... is that really the reason?"

You: "What else there can be?"

Fischl: "You tell me."

You: "Hmm... there's nothing else really..."

We arrived to the library again now looking for another story to read. I saw one book I've never seen before... I went towards it... it was plain black book that had a lock on it's cover... and it seemed it was real lock.... so that means key has to be somewhere too

Fischl: "Oooohh what's this book?"

Librarian: "Your highness I must warn you to never open that book... those who open it can await certain death."

You: "Why is it here then?"

Librarian: "I'm guarding it... none shall open that book... I'm sorry, but her highness Elke von Verurteilung ordered me..."

Fischl: "My mom ordered you to guard it?"

Librarian: "Yes as I said before."

You: "How can death be sealed in this book?"

Librarian: "I don't know young man..."

Fischl: "Don't call him young man... he's our special guest or you forgot?"

Librarian: "My apologies... but none said how we should call you."

You: "By my name of course... Y/N is fine."

Librarian: "As you wish. I'll spread the word to others... if you excuse me."

Fischl: "Yes of course..." He left as I looked at Y/N mischevallously... "Let's look for a key."

You: "Wait what? Fischl you heard what he said right? If its opened certain death awaits you."

Fischl: "Do you really believe that?"

You: "Your mother ordered him to guard it so I do."

Fischl: "He's not doing a very good job then." I took the book and was looking for a key. But I couldn't find it...

You: "It must be long lost..."

Fischl: "Or just very well hidden."

The librarian returned.

Librarian: "Please your majesty put that book down at once."

Fischl: "Where is the key to it?"

Librarian: "I'm afraid I cannot answer that question."

Fiachl: "And why is that?"

???: "Because I told him not to say..."

Fischl: "Mother."

Librarian: "Your majesty Elke..."

Elke: "You shall never open the book... neither of you... or you will die a horrible death."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed.

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