It was always strange how he felt about George. How he always found himself reaching for the man, wanting to pull him closer or away from things. Dream couldn't help but remember what his mom had said about George.

Couldn't help but remember what she'd implied.

It was a heavy feeling to consider, something Dream had put off even thinking about with everything going on. First George ignoring him, then Vidcon, then his sister's sickness then George's sickness-

"George, I've been meaning to ask you," Dream's voice was slow and methodical. "It's been a while and I don't want to cause any issues. But, do you think... would you want to stay a little longer? Not move in. I don't want to rush you or anything. But it would be fun to stay longer than a week."

George frowned, pulling his arms around himself tighter. "I don't know Dream..."


Dream hated the way his voice came out desperate. Like he was begging. Dream hated that mentality, hated that he was pushing this on his friend who most likely was sick of being around him.

But something about George leaving caused a deep aching in his heart. It was a terrible feeling.

"George-" Dream croaked, fumbling with his hands as he struggled to speak. "George, when you... stopped talking to me. That was so difficult. It was really just, I don't know, upsetting. I need you to promise you won't do it again. Not without an explanation."

"I know Dream, I've been thinking the same thing," George admitted, his head tilting back softly. "It's something we need to talk about, and we will, but just not right now because-"

"Excuse me," a loud voice came from their right, interrupting George mid-sentence. "Can we get a picture?"

It wasn't the first fan to come up to them throughout the day, but it was by far the rudest. Dream pursed his lips, a little peeved someone had interrupted their conversation, but agreed nonetheless.

"Thanks. I just have a few other friends that want to be in it-"

Before Dream could say anything, a whole herd of people were rushing over in waves, people giggling as they crowded around to get a picture.

George was clearly getting overwhelmed, as he stood up quickly, arms outstretched as he sucked in a breath.

"Wait, guys give me a second, wait-"

George blinked as he stopped mid sentence, suddenly teetering back and forth as his breathing stuttered.

Dream's heart dropped just as George did, right on the cold pavement floor.

"Oh my God," Sapnap said slowly, rushing forward to help their friend.

Dream shoved back the other fans as he moved quickly towards George himself, shielding the brunette once again from the fans' prying eyes.

"Listen, we really appreciate you guys and your concern, and I can take a picture with you all. But George clearly isn't feeling well, and we need some space-" Sapnap attempted to reason, but the fans just weren't getting it.

"Is George okay?" one screeched, trying to step forward.

"What about Dream, can't he be in the picture?" another whined.

Dream on George duty once again, swooped him into his arms without hesitation and asked the nearest cast member for directions to First Aid.

A little while later and George was stirring in his arms while Dream gingerly set him down on a small cot in the first aid area.

"Ow, I think I hit my head-" George bit out, clenching his teeth.

"Let me take a look," the nurse said, frowning as he looked. "Yeah, you've got a pretty big lump there. It might be a bit before that goes away."

"Ugh, I'm such an idiot," George muttered, rubbing his head sadly.

"Not an idiot, just dehydrated," the nurse said. "How much water did you drink today?"

"Probably not enough," George admitted, shrugging.

"That combined with your panic response and quick loss of oxygen probably did it. I would recommend lots of fluid and rest. You're welcome to stay here for a little while to relax, and then you should probably head home."

"Thank you so much," Dream nodded to the man.

"Of course. And here, for what it's worth, have a Disney sticker. We don't get many adults in here, but the kids seem to love them."

George smiled as he took the sticker. Before he could move however, Dream's arm shot out as he grabbed it from his hand.

"Here, allow me," Dream said, smirking.

He peeled off the sticker and gingerly patted it on George's hoodie. Dream smiled when, for once, George didn't cringe away from his touch. 

George gave Dream a small smile before wincing, lifting his hand to rub the spot where he hit his head. 

Dream sighed. "How are you really George? Are you okay after all that?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just embarrassed. Again," George said, shaking his head. "It was bad enough the first time. I just hope none of those fans were videoing."

"I hope not," Dream said, shaking his head. "They were so rude too, demanding pictures after you'd passed out."

"Did they really?" George asked, still clearly in a daze.

"Yeah, I'm sorry George. I didn't mean for Disney day to turn out like this. I'm sure you're really tired and everything, we should probably get going."

"You're sorry?" George sounded dumbstruck. "This was so much fun Dream! Like literally, the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Really?" Dream said. "You're not just saying that?"

"Of course not. It was an amazing day spent with my two best friends," George smiled softly. "It meant a lot."

Dream's heart panged so loudly he could hear it, blood rushing through his ears. His head felt weird, like it was soaring.

"You mean a lot," Dream whispered, "to me."


If I'm being honest, this chapter wasn't my favorite and I'm getting close to wrapping this story up! The next chapter or the chapter after the next will most likely be the last one, I'm excited on how I'm going to end it.

But yeah, Disney day has dropped hope y'all enjoy :>

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