Chapter 12

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"Areum come here now!" Jin said with a serious look on his face. "What did I tell you?" Jin said while the little girl stood infront of him.

"No sweeties before bweakfast." Areum mumbled. "And what did you do?" 

"I ate sweeties before bweakfast." Areum said. "Mommy, Areums is sorry pwease don't bwe mwad." Areum said while she had teary eyes.

"Oh sweetie mommy is not mad just a tiny bit dissapointed, okay?" Jin hugged his daughter. "Okay mommy." Areum mumbled.

"Jin are you ready?" Taehyung asked while he walked into te kitchen. "Yeah I need to grab Areum's shoes and jacket and then we can go." Jin said while he grabbed his bag.

Seokjin, Taehyung and Areum where going to the mall today. Areums was growing like an elephant and needed new clothes and shoes. Jin didn't like that his little girl was growing so fast.

When they had everything they walked out of the door towards Taehyungs car.

When they had everything they walked out of the door towards Taehyungs car

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After fifteen minutes they arrived at the mall. Taehyung parked the car and Jin unstrapped Areums car seat.

"Wowie big." Areum said while she pointed at the building infront of her. "Yeah thats a pretty big building sweetie." Jin lifted Areums out of the car.

"Areum you need to always hold mommy's hand when we are in this building, okay?" Jin said while putting on her jacket. "Yes mommy I will be a good girl." Areum smiled.

Jin, Areum and Taehyung then walked into the mall. The mall has so many shops and even a libary to relax.

First they went to the gucci shop Taehyung really wanted to go to and then they went to a shop for Areum because she really needed clothes.

"Wah mommy look pwetty." Areum said while pointing at the white with pink flower dress. "Yeah thats really pretty sweety." Jin said while grabbing the dress of the rack. He then looked at the price and put it back quickly.

"Why did you put it back Jin?" Taehyung asked while he looked at some shirts. "It's too exspensive I can't buy it." Jin said while he wanted to walk further.

"But your daughter wants it." Taehyung said. "I know just....I will find something that looks like it." Jin mumbled.

"Nope I will buy it." Taehyung said while he picked up the dress. "But Taehyung-"

"No, no buts you shouldn't worry so much about money. I'm your brother and I don't care if I'm younger then you hyung it's my gift okay." Taehyung said.

"Let's go Areum. Let's see if this dress fits." Taehyung said while a happy Areum ran behind him.

Jin sighed his brother really is an angel.

Taehyung could have chosen a different life. A life where his parents still loved him and he didn't have to work so hard even though he likes the work. But he chose to be there for his older brother and niece and Jin is still so grateful to him for that.

When Jin was still in his thoughts a person walked up to him. 

"Hey Jin hyung, what are you doing here?" The person said while Jin looked at the direction of the voice to see a person he knows.

"Oh hi......Jimin." Jin nervously said when he saw his friend standing infront of him. "What are you doing here?" Jin asked hoping Areum wouldn't be done with trying on her dress this soon.

"Hoseok's colleague is having a child so we are buying him a present." Jimin smiled while Jin already saw Yoongi and Hoseok walking towards them.

'Oh no please don't reconise me.' Jin thought. 

"Hey Jin." Jin saw Hoseok also walking towards him with Yoongi folowing him. 'Shitty shits.' Jin thought when he saw that.

"What are you doing here?" Hoseok asked. "I asked that 2 but he didn't anwser, so Jin why are you here also a niece or someone who gets a child?" Jimin asked.

" neighboor is getting a.....daughter." Jin nervously anwsered while he looked at the floor.

"That's great...but isn't that a little big for a baby?" Jimin asked while he pointed at the pink shirt. "Uh I-I just wanted to buy something for when the child is bigger...yeah." Jin said.

"Oh okay well thats good 2." Jimin said. 

"Well we have to leave, need to do some groceries." Hoseok said while he grabbed Jimins hand. "Bye Seokjin." Hoseok said. "Bye."

But before they could leave someone ran into the isle with a big smile on her face.

"Mommy! Mommy!! Mommy!!!" Areum screamed while she ran towars Jin. 

"Mommy!! Look how pwetty this dwess is!" Areums said while she hugged Jin's leg. While that happend Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi turned around in shock because of what they heard and after that because of what they saw.

"Oh.....That's verry pretty sweety." Jin said hoping Jimin didn't hear her which he knew was impossible.

"I know mommy.......are that your fwiends." Areum said pointing towards Jimin and his boyfriends.

"Uhh yeah those are y friends sweety."Jin said. "Hello mommy's fwiends. I'm Areum and I'm verry pwetty just like mommy." Areum smiled.

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