Chapter 1

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During this special July night a miracle occurred. Hidden away in a small little cottage two baby boys were born, one with stunning emerald eyes and raven hair. The other was a plump little boy with hazel eyes and chestnut hair. However what was worrying is that when the youngest baby was born he was very small and extremely frail. 

A little after Lily cooled down from her labour the couple called in their friends, which consisted of; Minerva McGonagall, Alice Longbottom, Frank Longbottom, Sirius Black and Remus Black arrived at the small, hidden cottage. They spent several hours (perhaps around three) talking and just generally having a long catch up. Until Remus asked a question ‘’Where is Severus, there's no way he would miss this?’’ now that everyone thought about it, it was very peculiar that the man would miss this. Suddenly, Severus Snape entered the room, however what was odd was the fact that cradled in his chest was a small baby. All attention was immediately drawn to him. Passing the child to Lily he explained who the child was. The baby was the son of Lily and James, the couple had twin sons. He explained to them about how when the baby was born he wasn't moving and out of concern the nurses had called for his help with the baby. Although the biggest shock was what he said after it ‘’As you can see, he is extremely tiny and fragile so be careful. I looked into it and I'm afraid to say he's going to need several magic chosen godparents to stabilise him and his magic, or he may die.’’ They were all shocked at this and scared for the child and his safety, since it had to be magic chosen godparents, they couldn't do anything but hope for the best. After breaking out of his trance Sirius asked if he could hold his new god son, after a moment of processing the request Lily passed her son over to Sirius and Remus. Immediately Remus' eyes flashed a golden colour, his wolf had marked the precious little baby as his cub. However, suddenly a golden light began flowing from the baby and surrounded the room. When the light was gone Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and Remus Black all had a bracelet made of a black string and in the middle was a silver infinity symbol. Little did they know that Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Tom Marvalo Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange-Riddle had also gained these bracelets. The first son was named Charles Potter and the second son was named Hadrian Potter.

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