Chapter 1

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Rose has been searching for Damon for weeks. His brother has been going to his college classes, but when he come back from his classes. He starts helping me out with searching for Damon. We had almost found him and then we lost him again.

I was so angry, that night when we lost him again that I had burned a hole in the wall in the room that I was staying in. David had come running in with a fire extinguisher. He gave me a sad look and gave me a hug. I felt bad for burning a hole in his wall and I helped him repair the wall the next day. One night David said he was taking a break and I got so angry but I knew that we both needed a break from searching for him over the past couple of weeks. We both look like we haven't gotten much sleep over the past couple of weeks.

David walked into the room that I was staying in, "Hey, do you want to go to a party with me?" he asked leaning against the door frame.

I looked up at him from my laptop, I had been searching for more clues to were Damon was.

"Come on, it's supposed to be the party of year here on campus," David said with a small smile.

I smile back and nod my head, "Fine, I'll go I need a break anyway," I say standing up and shutting my laptop.

I went over the closet that I was using and I changed into a nice pair of jeans and I put on a black shirt and pulled up my hair into a pony tail and I put on my pair of black boots. I walked into the living room and David was waiting on me.

The party had already started when we walked up to the frat house. There were a lot of people dancing in the living room and in the backyard. I wanted to go back to the room, once I saw all of the people dancing. "No, you don't" David said leading me deeper in the house knowing that I was thinking about trying to head back to his apartment.

I walked into the kitchen and there were so many empty alcohol bottles and there we a lot of opened bottles and drinks. I looked through the coolers and I found a water bottle and drank that. David reached over and grabbed a cup and made himself a drink. I raised an eyebrow at him when I saw him take a drink

"I don't drink a lot if that is what you're thinking." David said as he takes another drink and makes a face.

I laughed softly at him and then I looked around the room again and I noticed several pairs of eyes on me. I knew that I was going to stand out since my hair changed to bright fire red. I made eye contact with a guy in the corner of the room and he wouldn't stop staring at me. I looked over to tell David but he was no longer standing next to me. I looked around the room for David but I couldn't find him. I walked into the living room which was were the DJ and dance floor was to try and spot him. I finally checked the backyard, when I suddenly felt a huge force of energy throw me into the side of the house. I looked up and saw the creepy guy that was staring at me in the living room holding me to the side of house with his hand around my throat. I finally got a better look at the guy, when suddenly my whole body went into shock and it was Damon who was holding me against the side of the house. I was holding back tears as I looked at Damon and I could tell something was wrong with him. "Damon," I whisper looking at him. Suddenly the weight of Damon holding me down was gone and David was standing in front of me as I tried to catch my breath.

"Are you okay," David asked me with concern.

"Yes, but that's Damon and there is something wrong with him." I told him as I stood up. All of the sudden I felt myself be flung across the yard and I hit my head on the hard ground and I felt myself enter complete darkness.

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