13. Breaking The Ice

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    "Velaris." Celeste collapsed onto the sofa with a dreamy sigh. "The City of Starlight. Once thought a myth by the outside world. I can't believe we might get to see it."

    "While my uncle might have revealed Velaris' existence to the other Courts, he still keeps its exact location a closely guarded secret," Estelle pointed out. "You won't be able to see it."

    "Meaning we won't be able to visit or we won't be able to actually see it?" Senna asked.

    "Both. Maybe you'll be allowed to visit later on, but for now, you'll have no idea if you're even looking at it."

    "Oh." Celeste sounded slightly disappointed. "I suppose that's understandable. I'll just have to explore Windhaven."

    Estelle's smile shrank. "There's not much to see, I'm afraid."

    "That's because you've seen it thousands of times. I'll be seeing it for the first time. I'll see things that you might never have noticed."

    "Fair point. Be sure to tell me if you see something interesting." She swung her own bag over her shoulder. "We should get going. We're leaving soon."

    "Lead the way," Sienna offered. She pulled Celeste to her feet and they followed Estelle out the door.

    Peregryns and Illyrians alike were already gathered around Commander Ameer. Mikael hovered beside him as well. Estelle spied Lysander, Nyx, Corbin, and Calden just ahead. She joined them, taking her usual place beside Nyx. Celeste skipped over to Lysander and Sienna accompanied her.

    "I expect to hear only good things about you all when you return," Commander Ameer called, catching their attention. "Good flying." The Illyrians and Peregryns at the head of the group took off.

    Estelle saw Mikael give his father a brief hug before leaping into the air. He spread his large white wings and soared on ahead. He'd seen her that morning. He knew she had overheard his conversation with Captain Ameer. And somehow, he knew she was the one who'd attacked Ronan, but he hadn't said a word about it.

    Ronan flew farther ahead. The shadows whispered warnings as her gaze rested on him. He should not be coming. He will ally with your enemies. Only destruction will come of this.

    I know, Estelle sighed, but what can I do? We can't stop him from coming and we can only do so much to keep him away from Ze'ev and his friends.

    The Prince of Sunrises could help.

    If I asked for Mikael's help, I'd have to explain the problems we've faced with Ze'ev. That's not something I'm willing to do.


    Because I don't know or trust him.

    Yet you defended him.

    It was a one time thing, Estelle replied, rolling her eyes. We've only spoken once without arguing. Do you think I want to give him more information to use against me?

    He apologized.

    You know as well as I do that he didn't mean it.

    "Look out." A hand grabbed her arm and stopped her before she would have collided with a Peregryn. Estelle looked back at Mikael as he released her. "You're off in your own world today, Batsy."

    "I was talking to the shadows." Estelle put more distance between the two of them.

    "About what?"

    "None of your business."

    "Are you glad to be going home?"

    "I'm not really going home. I'm going to Windhaven."

    Mikael rolled his eyes. "Are you glad to be going to the Night Court, then?"


    He has a question for you, the shadows said. And he scored another point.

    "What is it?"

    Mikael blinked in surprise. "What do you mean?"

    "You have a question for me. What is it?"

    "How did you know... Oh. Shadows." Estelle nodded. "I was going to ask what happened with Ronan last night."

    "He sexualized me and I let him know I didn't appreciate it."

    Hot anger seeped from the shadows. Estelle narrowed her eyes, seeing that same anger within Mikael's chestnut eyes. Are you trying to show me what he's feeling? She asked the shadows.

    Not all of us. She wasn't sure what that meant. The shadows spoke again before she could ask. Tell him the whole truth.


    Why not?
    Estelle sighed, but relented despite herself. "And he insulted you. I gave him a thorough warning."

    "What did that warning say?" Mikael asked cautiously.

    "He should show more respect for the male who could one day end his life with a single word."

    "Do you think I would have him executed for insulting me?"

    "No," Estelle scoffed, "but does he need to know that?" She flew further ahead, leaving Mikael behind.

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