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The warm rays from the evening sun fell upon your face as you sat on your front porch. You had sat in a little rocking chair to the left side of your front door while your then boyfriend had sat on the right. Next to you was a small woven table with a glass top, you had set down a candle to keep the mosquitos away and a glass of champagne.

"So what is going to happen between us... I mean in the future" your boyfriend said quietly. It had become noticeable among friends and family that you two just didn't have the spark that you once did.

It took you a second to answer but when you finally did it, your boyfriend found it unsatisfactory "i don't know. Maybe we will break up, maybe we won't" your boyfriend always disliked how condescending you were, but he always sucked it up because of how much he adored you. You had looked over to your glass of champagne and had noticed a little ant crawling around the base of your glass

You decided to pick it up and let it crawl around on your hands 'gee, life would be so much easier if i were an ant' you thought to yourself. You sighed letting the ant back down on the table and you picked up your glass. You took a sip as your boyfriend started speaking again

"well I'm going to go inside" he stood up "please make sure you come inside at a REASONABLE time" he walked over to you and kissed your forehead. You looked up and smiled

"Alright love" you said, but soon after he crosses the threshold of the door your smile faded. The once loving and fulfilling relationship, has now just become apart of your daily schedule. The love has gradually faded, and you known that. You have known that for a long time now, it has just been something you didn't want to bring up due to the heartache it caused when you thought about it.

Your finger traced the top of the glass as the condensation trickled down the sides. You could hear your boyfriend talking to someone on the phone, you couldn't make out everything but you caught snippets like "not working" "not the same" and the one that cause you the most pain was "break up". You knew it was coming but you couldn't accept it. You stood up solemnly, holding back tears. You stepped down the creaky steps onto the gravel pathway that led up to your isolated cabin you shared with your boyfriend.

You started to take a walk, the cool dusk breeze hitting your cheeks. You stopped and stared at the setting sun you sighed a heavy sigh and thougt to about what you wanted your future with your boyfriend to be like. You wondered what living a life with him would be like if you were always this distant. You slowly came to a stop when you heard someone calling your name in the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2021 ⏰

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