A Wedding and A secret

Start from the beginning

"Y/N Y/L/N, I'm standing here today, in front of you not knowing what tomorrow holds, not knowing where we will end up in the years to come, but knowing whatever and wherever it is, i want to be by your side." he took a deep breath as he crumpled the page and shoved it into his pocket, flashing me his boyish smile. "I've always known this day would come, nothing we ever went through made me think otherwise. In the end it would always be us, I'm just glad it was sooner than later, I'll love you everyday for the rest of my life, the good and bad days. And I can't wait forever with you," He grabbed my hands, lifting one to his mouth and kissing it. I turned to look at Harrison who was standing directly behind me. He handed me the note cards and I turned back to Harry.

"Harry Robert Holland, where to begin? I feel Like I've loved you all my life. I've known we were made for each other since that day in the pub when you bought me a drink. I've always admired you, the love you give, the care you offer, the way you are with Rosie. I'm not entirely sure how I became so lucky to have you in my life, but here we are. Today, tomorrow, forever." I turned back to Harrison giving him back the cards and then nodding at Sam, who quickly stepped back up.

"Alright, are you guys ready for this?" He asked us. We both nodded. "OK, Harry, are you ready to spend the rest of your days with Y/N?"

"I am," Harry responded.

"And are you ready to spend the rest of your days putting up with my brother?" Harry swatted at Sam who jumped back laughing.

"Every day of my life," I said, squeezing Harry's other hand.

"OK, then by the power vested in me, by a sketchy website I found on the internet, I now pronounce you married. You can kiss now." And neither of us needed to be told twice. Harry pulled me into his arms, pushing our lips together in a deep passionate kiss. There were cheers from behind us that the intensity of the kiss drowned out. It was like no one was there, nothing mastered, except for us, and this moment.


We sat at the table, enjoying watching everyone have a good time when Harrison stood up and started to clink his spoon to his glass.

"I'd like everyone's attention," He started smiling at Harry and I "As the Man of Honor, I have prepared a rather lengthy and emotional speech. So, sit down and get the tissues ready," there was a rumbling of laughter from everyone as he pulled out some note cards. "So, about ten years ago. A girl met a boy in a pub, and slowly they fell in love. The kind of love that changes you, and teaches you. The kind of love that is hard, and dirty, and not always beautiful. These two kids met at the young age of 18, never experiencing life before, and decided then and there, to experience it together. And it was a journey. These two, they absolutely destroyed each other," Harrison glanced at us, to see us both shocked at his speech. "But it was a necessary destruction. There were mistakes made, secrets kept, and lives that had not been lived. They spent a total of two and half years apart before finding their way back to each other. Y/N traveled for a year, tending to the less fortunate, and living out a lifelong dream. While Harry became a dad to little Rosie Holland, and became one of the best men i have ever met. These two went through the fallout of the century, just to become even stronger in the end. I am blessed to be a part of their story. To have been there from the beginning, and seeing it through to, not the end, but the newest chapter. I love you both, and I wish you a lifetime of love and happiness, Y/N (peanut) Holland, and Harry Holland, congratulations." The crowd erupted in cheers and applause as Harrison raised his glass before downing his glass of champagne. There was barely any time before Tom stood up, clinking his knife to his glass.

"I did not prepare a long emotional speech, but I do have a few things to say," He patted Harry on the shoulder before pulling out a page, with a speech obviously written on it, causing me to erupt in a fit of laughter. "Okay, okay. Settle down everyone. I met y/n about a month before Harry. Sorry buddy," He winked at his brother, who just groaned and shook his head. "And I knew there was something about her, and looking back, I realized how much she reminded me of my younger brother here. So it was no surprise when I started seeing her more, on my brother's arm out at the pubs. Which soon became family dinners, and game nights, and soon she became a part of our group, even went as far to steal my best friend Harrison from me, Not cool nutty, not cool. But things seemed to go so easily, and then after they broke up, it felt like a piece of our group chipped away, neither of them made any of us choose sides, but with such an ugly break up it became a little ugly. So when I tell you how relieved I was when these two got back together, I'm not exaggerating. I'm so glad to call you my sister, and I'm so glad for my brother to call you his wife. You two were made for each other, and I love you both." The crowd started to cheer again at the close of Tom's speech, and it was time for Harry and I to speak.

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