the accident

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The ride to the airport was quiet. I wasn't sure how Harrison managed to get tickets so soon, but I didn't question it. We made it through security and were almost ready to board when my phone rang. I looked down to see Sam's name across the screen, I answered it almost instantly, an uneasy feeling washing over me.
“Sam?” I asked.
“You need to get to the Hospital Y/N,” he was crying. I felt my head get light as a million thoughts ran through my head. I didn't say anything, I just turned and ran until I got outside. Leaving my bags and Harrison in my dust. I called a cab and went straight to the hospital. I ran in through the big revolving doors and found Tom and Sam sitting in an empty waiting room. As soon as they saw me they both wrapped their arms around me tight. It was bad, but I wasn't sure how bad.
“Where?” I asked, my voice not seeming to work.
“Surgery,” Tom sniffled, while urging me to sit. I sat down and they explained what had happened. A car had hit him in a crosswalk, while he was looking down at his phone. Guilt washed over me and consumed me. I probably cried for an hour straight. At some point Tuwaine and Harrison both showed up, but I didn't pay them no mind.
Surgery took almost eight hours. Eight hours with no update. Eight hours thinking that Harry was gone.
“Holland?” a man's voice called from behind us, Tom, Sam, and I ran over to hear the news. “All of you are family?” Tom nodded.
“Twin, older brother, fiance” Sam told him.
“Ok, well we were able to get the bleeding under control, unfortunately I can't promise he will wake up, but if he does, his injuries won't prevent him from living anything less than a normal life,” It was a mixture of good and bad news.
“Can we see him?” I asked.
The doctor brought us to a room, and Harry was laying, lifeless looking on the bed. I felt tears rush back to my eyes and I was sure I could not breathe. I walked over to the side of his bed and grabbed his hand, I leaned down and kissed his forehead. “Don't you dare leave me,” I whispered.
The waiting game was the worst. Sam and I sat in the room for hours halding Harrys hands, waiting for a flicker of life to become present. Tom had left to go get their parents from the airport.
“You guys need to put this behind you,” Sam said quietly.
“I know, I’m done with this whole run around.” I told him. “I want to be with him, I want to marry him, and grow old with him. If that means forgiving and forgetting, then that's what I'll do,” I said between sniffles.
“You still want to marry me?” His voice was hoarse and sounded dry, but it was his. Both Sam and I shot our gazes to Harry's now open eyes. He was staring at me, with his dopey smirk.
“You're awake,” I cried, getting up from the chair and leaning down to hug him. I lifted my head from his shoulder and found his lips, kissing him softly before backing up to let Sam give his brother a hug.
“This whole time, all i had to do was get hit by a car?” He asked in a joking manner. Both Sam and I laughed.
“Shut up you idiot,” Sam laughed. “I'm going to go get the doctor, so he can come check you, or whatever they do,” He told us before leaving the room.
“Hey,” Harry whispered. I sat on the edge of the bed pulling his hand in between mine and listening to him. “I'm sorry about everything. I only slept with her that one time. I was just trying to hurt you,” He paused and moved his fingers so they were intertwined with mine. “Give me another chance, and I'll never hurt you again,” His words were sincere and filled with love.
“Okay,” I whispered. Leaning down and kissing him once more. “Your parents should be here soon,” I told him.
“Oh boy,” He groaned.

The next few days were spent in the hospital, so I refused to leave Harry's side. Luckily nothing had been broken so other than a scar from surgery and some minor cuts and bruises he was walking away from a run in with a car practically unscathed.
I got a text from Harrison as I was packing all the Get well cards and stuffed animals into a hospital tote bag.
‘Hey just wanted to see how you were doing, I heard he's going home today. That's great! Hopefully we can talk soon. Just to clear the air?’
I didn't respond right away. I wasn't exactly sure what to say. Sorry I led you on? Sorry I left you at the airport? Sorry I had you take care of me for the last seven months while I was broken and damaged? I didn't know.
“Are you coming home?” Harry asked me as I finished packing all the stuff.
“To help you, or for good?” I asked him, not turning around.
“Either?” He wondered.
“I don't want to go back to that apartment, Harry. I can't.” I sighed. I turned to face him, and he had a smile on his face. “What?” I was confused as to why he was smiling at me.
“Let's get a different place,” he told me, stepping forward and taking my hands in his. “Let's just start over,”
“What about right now?” I asked him.
“Your place?” he proposed.
“I guess for a few days that would work, but for the love of god. Do not start fighting with Harrison. Please?” I begged. He rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek.
“I have no hard feelings for him going after a prize like you,” he told me, making me roll my eyes. 
“Let's go,” I laughed. We walked out of the room and out of the hospital where Sam and Tom were waiting with the car. Luckily neither of us had anything here so there wasn't much to pack back.
“Home?” Sam asked as we climbed into the back seat.
“Only so I can run up and get some clothes,” Harry said, making both of the other Hollands turn around to look at him questioningly. He shrugged his shoulders, “She doesn't want to be back at the apartment, I'm not going to make her go.”
“So does that mean-?” Tom started to ask but Harry interrupted him before he could finish.
“You'll know when I do,” He told Tom. and with that we drove to my old apartment, somewhere I hadn't been in seven months. Tom and Harry got out and went to go get a few of Harry's things, while me and Sam stayed in the car.
“So what's going to happen? Are you guys going to start dating again, or are you going to reschedule the wedding?” Sam wondered.
“I'm not sure. All I know is I want him in my life. So I guess we take it one day at a time,” I told him as I stared out the window.
“And harrison?” Sam asked the question I was dreading.
“I love Harrison, he's my best friend, and he stepped up and took care of me when I couldn't even take care of myself. And maybe in a different life we would have ended up together, but i can't see a future with him the way I can with Harry. Even after everything we have been through, it's still Harry I see at the end of the line,” I sighed.

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