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I was only in my room for 15 minutes before there was a knock on the door.
“Yeah?” I called out.
“It's me,” Harrison said as he came in, shutting the door behind him. “Tom and Sam left because the three of them rode together so they had to go find Harry. So me and Tuwaine decided to just call it." I nodded at him.
“Sorry about game night,” I muttered. I felt bad, this wasn't the first time me and Harry had ruined game night, just the first time it had come to this extreme.
“No, I'm sorry. I'm pretty sure I instigated it,” He sighed sitting beside me.
“Yeah, what was that about anyway?” I was curious to know what he was thinking.
“When you hugged him, he said something to you. You blushed and I got jealous. I'm not sure why, but I wasn't thinking right,” he was looking down at the floor.
“He told me I looked good, Harrison,” I laughed. He looked up at me with a dopey look on his face.
“That's what made you blush?” he asked. I nodded laughing.
“I didn't mean to shout about sleeping with you. He just accused me of it, and I got so mad,” I groaned, throwing myself back on my bed.
“He accused you of sleeping with me?” He asked.
“More or less. It was more like ‘I don't want you sleeping with him’ like he just figured that's what I was doing, to get back at him. Cause we all know that's the kind of person I am,” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
“So you're saying you wouldn't?” he asked quietly. I was not liking the direction this conversation was going in.
“Wouldn't what?” I asked, knowing full well what he was asking.
“Sleep with me?” I could almost hear pain in his voice.
“Not to spite Harry.” I told him. Biting my cheek. Great another thing I picked up from harry.
“But you would, if the time was right?” He asked me. I sat myself up so I could look at him.
“Harrison, if the time was right, and things felt right, and we both wanted too. Yes I would probably sleep with you,” I told him, as  a sliver of hope sparkling in his eyes.
“How will I know if the time is right?” he wondered.
“Um instinct? I don't know.” I laughed. He put his hand on my thigh, leaving it gently touching me. Was this the moment? Was I supposed to decide if I was ready to move on or go after Harry right now? I looked up at harrisons sweet face, with his gorgeous blue eyes and perfect blonde waves. “I don't know what to do Haz,” I whispered. He reached up stroking my face.
“What feels right?” he asked.
I thought about it. What felt right? Did Harry feel right, or was he just safe. We had gotten into such a routine, that there was no wonder with us. The sex was phenominal, but everyday life was the same day in and day out. Sitting here right now, with Harrison, felt dangerous and scary, but not in a bad way. When we had gone skydiving, that was an out of the normal thing, and it felt invigorating. Maybe all I needed was a lack of routine. Who knows maybe Tuwaine had been right and me and Harry had just been a time filler for what was to come. Maybe I was supposed to love Harry and deal with the fallout of our relationship to teach me a lesson. Maybe I'd sleep with Harrison and wake up a new person, or maybe I'd do it and regret it. It was a whole lot of maybe.
“Honestly, everything feels wrong. The only thing that has felt right in so long was when we went out bowling and then skydiving,” I told him.
“Do you need a little bit of adventure?” He asked.
“Maybe I do,” I chuckled.
“Pack a bag, with warm clothes. And a swimsuit.” He told me as he stood up and pulled out his phone.
“What, why?” I asked, unsure of where he could possibly want to take me.
“Let's go to hawaii. Have our own little adventure. Get you out of this god forsaken funk.” He told me as he kissed my forehead and then left the room.
As crazy as the idea was, I did just as he said, I packed a suitcase, with my cutest clothes and packed my swimsuit. This could be an awful idea, to fly to an island with your friend, whom you clearly had some pent up feelings for. Guess we'd find out soon.
I set my bag by my bedroom door and pulled out my phone. I must have had it on silent cause I had three missed calls from Harry and about a dozen texts. I dialed the number for my voicemail and listened.
‘Ok i know that that was shitty of me. Fuck. I just don't want to lose you, or see you with him,’
I rolled my eyes as it switched to the next message.
‘I know you don't owe me anything, but please, give me one more chance, to make this work,’
I wanted to give him another chance, I did, but not right now, I needed to do something for me.
‘I love you. I will always love you.’
I hung up the phone and dialed his number.
“Oh thank god, I'm so sorry,” He blurted as soon as he answered.
“I'm going to go away for a few days. I need to think about what I want and what I'm willing to forgive,” I told him.
“Oh,” he said.
“I do love you Harry, but we are not getting anywhere. It's like a game of who can hurt who, and neither of us are winning. So let's just call it quits. Take me out for coffee when I get back and hopefully we can start to sort this mess out,” I didn't wait for his response, because I knew if I did, he would change my mind.

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