A Wedding and A secret

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This is the end. I hope you enjoyed this, i know i did.

I stood smoothing out the front of the dress in the full length mirror. Nikki was behind me adjusting the strings on the corset. "Is it too tight darling?" she asked me.

"It's perfect," I told her, a smile on my face that had not faded at all since I woke up that morning.

"You look so pretty mummy," Rosie exclaimed running towards me in her little gold dress.

"Thank you baby. Can I fix this?" I asked her, gesturing to the back of her dresses that she had sloppily tried to tie up. She nodded and turned around for me to fix it.

"Grandma, doesn't mummy look pretty?" she asked Nikki.

"She looks gorgeous, she does," Nikki said, kissing her on the top of her head, and giving me a smile.

"We're ready," my coworker and close friend Lindsey told me. I looked myself over in the mirror once more before heading to the garden.

We had chosen to have a small ceremony, just our families and our closest friends, which somehow still ended up being sixty plus people. The Hollands had gone out of there way decorating the outside of their house, transforming the garden into a fairy tale like scene, it looked straight out of a movie.

I watched as the bridesmaids and groomsmen made their way down the aisle. I looked up to see Tuwaine waiting for me, his arm ready to take mine as he led me down the aisle to the man I was about to marry.

"Thank you for doing this," I whispered.

"Are you kidding? I am honored," and with that we began to walk to the slightly crowded garden.

As soon as I stepped out of the door, my eyes met his. He stood tall, his hair freshly cut, but still curly on top of his head. The sun was shining just right, making his hair shine an even more vibrant hue of red than usual. He looked stunning in the black suite that he wore with the pop of a gold tie. He smiled at me, a smile I had seen so many times before, but it felt as though I was seeing it for the first time ever. The closer I got the more his features came into focus, his warm brown eyes held a shimmer of gold and his freckles that were scattered on his face seemed to make him look even more handsome. I glanced at his birthmark on the corner of his mouth that I had fallen in love with. I stopped about four feet away from him, My heart nearly stopping as I saw him, having to catch his breath as he looked me over.

He stepped forward grabbing my hand as I joined him on the little step the boys had built for today.

With my hand in his we stood side by side as Sam stood in front of us ready to officiate the special day.

"Hi," Sam spoke, grabbing his little leather notebook from his pocket. "I'm a little nervous, so bare with me," He mumbled. He glanced up to me and I gave him a comforting smile.

"Are you ready for this? Mrs.Holland?" Harry whispered in my ear while his twin scrambled to start the ceremony.

"As ready as I was the first time Mr.Holland," I whispered back Squeezing his hand tightly.

"OK, We have gathered her today, well i mean i think we all know why we're here, am i right?" he asked lightheartedly.

There was a wave of laughs from behind where Harry and I stood and I could instantly see Sam relax.

"So when my brother and y/n asked me to do this, I was excited, until I started looking into it. Way too much effort, but regardless I did all that I had to, to make sure at the end of the day these to actually get married," he winked at me, knowing something all the others didn't, before continuing. "Harry and Y/N are the kind of people who just clicked upon meeting, everything between them happened nearly effortlessly, and though there was a time when we were not sure we'd see this day, i think i speak for everyone when i say, i'm glad it's finally here," Sam looked over to Tom who reached into his pocket, grabbing a folded up paper and handed it to Harry. "I'm going to let them share their vows, and then we will get to it," Sam stepped back as Harry turned to face me. He unfolded the paper in his hand and looked up to my face, giving me one last smile.

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