Chapter-66 |•|

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Here we go! Another chapter.

Enjoy reading!

The internal and silent chaos

Author's POV

''So, my babies, what do you want dada to get you?'' Asked Abhi in a babyish voice kissing her belly.

''I want to eat chocolate ice cream, chocolate truffle cake, chocolate milkshake, Ferrero rocher brownie, chocolate muffins, choco lava, chocolate doughnuts, dada'' she said in a baby voice. He laughed throwing his head back.

''Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate! What's there so much that you find it tasty? You know, sometimes I feel it is as metallic, kind of medicine taste but you just keep on eating chocolate products'' he said shaking his head. She pouted.

''Don't insult mumma's chocolate dada'' she imitated baby voice.

''I won't, if you both promise me you both won't be eating chocolates like your mumma" he said touching her belly.

''We won't, if you promise us that you won't be touching mumma, kissing mumma, make love to mumma hereafter'' she said on behalf of their babies and smirked at Abhi.

''No, babies. I am allowing you both to eat as many as chocolates you want'' he said with horrified expressions. She laughed loudly.

''Love you dada'' she said. He smiled.

''Love you, Mani. All the best'' she said standing up. He nodded and kissed her belly.

It's the first day of Abhi to go company as CEO after whole three and half months. Sitaara, Sakshi and Anjali aren't happy to send him but they gave in to the adamant behaviour of Abhi. They both moved out together. Naman was waiting for them in the main hall. Giving a smile to his family members, he and Naman walked out of the entrance while Sitaara went to see off them.

Naman helped Abhi to sit inside the car and he sat in the driver's seat. Sitaara smiled at him. Waving at her they both went away.

''Where are you going?'' Asked Abhi seeing Naman not stopping at the entrance of the company.

''I will stop the car on the back side, Anna'' he said.

''Why?'' asked Abhi. Naman looked at him and try to form words but he is hesitant.

''I don't want anyone to pity me, Naman. And I seriously don't care what others call me. May be am handicapped now but many great personalities are handicapped yet they achieved what they dreamt irrespective of many society's discouraging words and in my case, neither their looks nor their words affect me'' he said and looked outside where all his employees are entering inside.

''Once your Vadhina (sil) told me, if we keep on minding about others looks or their judgement, we fall into their pit they wanted us to and we begin to hate ourselves, weaken ourselves. I don't want to come in that category, so change the gear and take me from entrance'' said Abhi. Naman nodded smiling.

Abhi got down the car in the wheelchair and started passing through the office lobby with Naman tailing behind him. Few were giving him pity looks at his condition, few were looking at him admiringly for his self-determination, few were are peeing in their pants as the aura around isn't changed at all and not to talk about his intimidating gaze. Vinay reached Abhi and gave his full-blown smile at his boss who is his inspiration in everything.

''Welcome back, Sir'' he said smiling. Abhi smiled nodding his head. Motioning his chair into his cabin, he was embraced in the heavenly scent of his wife which is still lingering around the room. A smile formed on his lips as he inhaled the fragrance. He looked at his C.E.O. chair and today he felt more responsible for his company seeing it empty which was looking like an empty throne of the large kingdom on which many are ready to claim it. He motioned his chair to his desk and saw his and Situ's frame instead of only hers.

The Sunshine Of My Life ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon