"I have no other family." Said Y/n.

"I already have a something in place if everything goes according to plan." Said Hank.

"What is it?" Asked Y/n.

"I can't tell you yet." Said Hank.

"Why?" Asked Y/n again. She was getting angry that people have kept her in the dark.

"Because I don't want you to get your hopes up." Explained Hank.

"I don't care! So just tell me!" Cried Y/n.

"Calm down." Said Hank.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I'm the one who is risking my life here. I should know what will happen to me after everything goes down." Shouted Y/n. "If you're not going to tell me, then what is the point in me being here."

"Y/N! STOP! I need to explain the plan to you so you don't end up getting shot." Shouted back Hank.

"I'm not listening to it now." Said Y/n. She opened Hank's office door and walked out.

"Y/n. Wait. Let me come with you." Said Jay.


"C'mon. Just stay." Begged Jay.

"I will be back when I want to listen but for now just please leave me alone." Said Y/n running down the steps with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going after her." Said Kevin.

"Just leave her. I will explain the plan to you and I will talk with her later." Said Hank.

"Okay. So Jay and Hailey you will both be up on the closest roof with snipers. Kevin and Adam you will be dressed as building site workers, so you are closer. Me, Antonio and Kim will be just around the corner ready to move in. Everyone understand?" Explained Hank.

"Please don't put me on the roof. If anything happens I want to be close so I'm there for Y/n." Said Jay.

"No, if we want this plan to work, you do as I say."

"Please Sarge!" Begged Jay.

"I can swap with him." Suggested Kevin.

"Fine. But you can't keep looking over all the time to make sure Y/n is okay. Understand?" Said Hank.

"I won't. Thank you Sarge." Smiled Jay. He walked over to Kevin and gave him a bro hug to thank him.

Jay walked out of the bullpen and to the front desk to talk to Trudy.

"Hey! What happened upstairs? Y/n came running down with tears in her eyes." Asked Trudy.

"She had a heated argument with Hank and then screamed at me when I tried to talk to her." Replied Jay.

"Do you know what it was about?" Asked Trudy.

"Sadly, no. Do you know where she might have gone?" Asked Jay.

"She didn't tell me. But you should check that park that she goes to sometimes. Go get the rest of the unit to help look, I will talk to Hank." Said Trudy.

"Okay. Thanks Trudy." Said Jay.

They both walked upstairs and Jay told the team to follow him to try and find Y/n.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" Asked Hank.

"To look for Y/n." Jay said. The rest of the team stood up and grabbed their jackets.

"I don't think I told you to do that. Sit back down." Ordered Hank.

"Stop it Hank! They are going to find Y/n and we are going to have a talk." Said Trudy raising her voice a little.

"Okay. I hope she is okay. Message me when you find her." Said Hank.

Jay laughed to himself and shook his head.

"You got something to say Halstead?" Asked Hank

"Stop acting like you care about Y/n! When you first met her, you only cared about the case! You want to get this case done so you will look good in Crowley's books!" Shouted Jay. Antonio went to grab his arm but Jay shook it off.


"I DON'T NEED TO THINK ANYTHING BECAUSE I KNOW. I KNOW YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT HER!" Shouted back Jay. No one has ever seen him this angry. Everyone downstairs had stopped to listen.

"Don't you dare shout at me! You may think I don't care, but I do. I was up the whole night trying to find any other dirt we could get on Ric. I want to put him away for a long time. I even searched up all the rules and guidelines for adopting a child, incase she had no other family. I did it for you. Incase you wanted to take her in. I see how much you care about her. So when I wanted you to be a sniper on that roof, I did it to keep her and you safe. Because if you keep looking at her when on the ground, cause you're worried, it will blow our cover. I put you on that roof so you can have eyes on her at all times."

Jay didn't have anything to say so he kept quiet.

"I've seen the relationship you and her have. You care so much for her. That's why I did it. In this job, you aren't suppose to attach yourself to cases. But I have, you have, we all have. We all care for Y/n. So I have done everything to keep her safe. Yeah I have made mistakes and I beat myself up for what I have done but I did it all for Y/n."

Jay still stayed silent. He had tears in his eyes. He hadn't realised that Hank had done so much for Y/n. He felt guilty for shouting at him.

"You did?" Asked a shaky voice.

Everyone stepped out the way to reveal Y/n stood there, tears running down her face, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

Hank went to speak but stumbled backwards as Y/n ran up to him and hugged him. He didn't have to crouch to hug her because she wasn't far of his height. She was 5'8 and he was 5'10 so the hug was comfortable.

"I'm so sorry Hank, I shouldn't have shouted at you. I didn't know you cared so much about Y/n." Apologised Jay.

Y/n hugged Jay and then Hank talked to Y/n in his office. Everyone else got back to work and Jay looked over the rules for adoption.

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