Chapter 10 - The Last Resort

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Monday morning at the Wangs Company Haikuan was busy with important meetings. It has been a stressful morning and he was hoping for a bit of a break. His mother had been nagging him to come home more often since that she has not seen him in a while. Haikuan was just as tired of his mother's ideas as his brother. She had changed so much over the years that both boys could not see her with the same eyes anymore.

Haikuan was more than happy to help his little brother get away from this marriage and this stupid contract that it was not fair on anyone. The families did not seem to see that they were hurting their love ones with something so stupid as getting two people together just for the sake of a business. Haikuan remembered that he had been asked by Meng to help them with the wedding. So he took out his mobile and called his good friend and lawyer of the company.

Haikuan: "Yuchen. Are you perhaps busy at all?"

Cao YuChen: "No man. At the moment I'm just at my office finishing going over some contracts that your mother have send me. Why? Is everything ok? Is my presence required at the company?"

Haikuan: "No, not at all. This is more of a personal thing and for that reason I wonder if you have any spare time for us to discuss it away from the office?"

Cao YuChen: "Sure, of course. I'm available after 3 pm if that is a good time for you?"

Haikuan: "I will ask my secretary to check my schedule but I'm sure it will be fine. I will send you a message to confirm it."

Cao YuChen: "That is fine. See you later."

After checking with his secretary if is schedule was clear, Haikuan send a message to Meng to ask her to meet with them. With her presence it would be a lot easier to ask the lawyer for the help.

Meng confirmed that she will be present together with Yanli. They were hoping that things could be sorted as soon as possible since that time was running out.

A few hours later, Haikuan and lawyer Cao meet at a coffee house where they knew that no one would be likely to know them. Haikuan was sure that his mother would not come to places like this so she would not find out about the meeting.

Cao: "Haikuan man. Good to see you again. Been quite a few days."

Haikuan: "Oh hi man, good to see you too. I'm glad that you were able to meet with me."

Cao: "So what can I do for you that you did not want other people to hear about?" Since Cao been working for the company for a while he got to know both Haikuan and Yibo as well as their parents. Haikuan has never asked him for any personal favours so this request could only mean that he needed something but did not want other people to find out.

Haikuan: "Actually before I start explaining the situation we need to wait for 2 more people." Meng and Yanli were on the way to the coffee shop after leaving the last classes at college.

10 minutes later while the boys were talking about random things over coffee, the door open to welcome 2 young ladies. They walked to the boys a done their presentations.

Haikuan: "Cao, this two ladies are my friends. Meng who you have already heard is at the moment my brother's fiancee and Yanli, she is Xiao daughter and Zhan's oldest sister."

Cao: "Oh my pleasure ladies. Please, please take a seat." Cao has always been a very reserved person. At the age of 26 he has had is fair share of girlfriends but for the last 4 years soon after becoming a lawyer he felt that his time was consumed by work and did not have time to look around and fall in love. However the moment Yanli stopped in front of the table the boys were at, he could not stop looking at her. With her dark brown hair in a top bun, sweet smile, big eyes that seemed to piece into himself, he thought that he had found his lost soul.

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