I'll be good, I promise.

Start from the beginning


"A-Are you... l-like in The Tell-Tale Heart?"


"That's one story from Poe," the boy began explaining. "The killer buried his victim's heart under the floor, but then he begins to hear its beat. And it's louder and louder and louder until the end, when," he suddenly stopped talking and stared idly ahead, his mouth ajar. Tony raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly forward, expecting that Peter will finish his story so that he would finally understand exactly what the young man was trying to tell him.

"... I haven't finished reading it, I was scared," the brunette admitted softly, and the man chuckled. "But this is something simi-"

"You mean, if I feel pangs of conscience?" Anthony understood.

"Yes! Exactly."

""Couldn't you have said it right away?" Maybe he used a slightly rougher tone of voice than he had originally intended, because the young man, his head still resting on his thigh, visibly tensed.

"I'm sorry, sometimes I get a little carried away," he muttered.

"It's okay," Tony reassured him immediately, stroking Peter's hair again. "But to answer you... you should know that when I killed someone for the first time, I wasn't much older than you. I will never forget that day." Peter lay on his back so his eyes met Stark's.

"Will you tell me about it? Weren't you scared?"

"Of course, I was. But found out, that it's good to aim at the person and deliberately shoot over his head or just somewhere out of his body. That helped." Peter listened intently, memorizing every word. "Then you aim at him or her again, maybe close your eyes and shoot ... If you keep killing, it's much easier."

"But what if you lov-"

The bell rang. Peter winced and sat. Anthony pressed a little kiss to his hair and headed for the door. He looked who was outside before he opened.

"Stark, I need to talk to you." A voice he didn't know came to Peter's ears.

"Sure, come inside," Tony nodded, letting the blond man into the house.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Tony, but like I indicated before over the phone, I need to talk to you... In private," he pointed at Peter, who was still sitting on the sofa. The boy's presence did not seem to surprise him." This is about one of our cases."

"Fine," Tony nodded. He turned to Peter and said, "Baby, be so kind and go to our bedroom, okay?"

"But I quite like it here," the boy shook his head. "And I won't tell anyone." Basically, he didn't even have a chance to tell anybody.

"Pete, don't make me repeat it," Anthony raised his voice.

"But I would-"

"Peter! Go upstairs! Now!"

"No," the young man pursed his lips. He wanted to stay here with Tony. What if the stranger wants to hurt him?

Stark sighed, turned to his old friend, and said, "Give us a moment," walked over to the young brunette and gave him one quick slap.

"I said something, Pete, so get up."

The boy stared at the ground and stood up, though it was clear how much he wanted to defend himself.

"Good boy, now, go upstairs."

Peter looked at the man with hatred and followed Tony up the stairs, then went into the bedroom.

"Wait here for me, okay?" Stark smiled, giving young Parker a kiss on the lips before taking the key from the lock and preparing to lock behind him.

"No, Tony, no, I don't-"


"Tony! Please! I'm so sorry, unlock the door, I'll stay here, I'm going nowhere, I'll be good, I promise," the boy started to cry. He didn't like when Anthony locked him anywhere or pulled him out on a leash outside. These things was showing Peter that Tony doesn't trust him.

Or how he tied him to the bed...

"If you don't open the door, I swear to God... that I... I will hurt you... I will kill you." He leaned his back against the door and slid to the floor. "Kill you," he muttered to himself, closing his eyes.

Tony stepped away from the door.

"Isn't that a little cruel? After all, he promised not to try anything," a voice said from the end of the stairs.

"No. He shouldn't have talked back. This is how he always begs and threatens, "Anthony explained as he descended to the ground floor to Steve.

"If I understood correctly, he said he'll try to kill you."

"Yeah, sometimes he goes into hysterics, but otherwise he's a nice boy. Then he always calms down, apologizes and everything's fine."

The blond didn't seem to be soothed by Stark's words. He knew that a lot of people had it so that anger accumulated in them until one day their cup of patience will overflowed, and nothing but a big explosion could follow. But Tony was no amateur, he was definitely sure of everything he's doing. He had no reason to worry. This was not the first time Peter had "threatened" him. But as a result, he never did anything. So why should there be any different now?

And it's your favourite writer on Wattpad, who definitely updates regularly, every week... okay, I'll shut up. :D

I'm sorry the chapters were not coming out, I had a few things and I didn't have much time. But I'm back and I promise new chapters will be added soon.

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