Chapter 23: Emptiness Hardens the Heart

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Jin was locked his office door and walked to the elevator. He could hear laughter. Was he imagining it or was somebody following him? He did not want to find out, when he stopped in front of the elevator he pushed the down button a few times. He forgot how spooky this place got when everyone had left.

The doors opened slowly and he entered, he turned around quickly and pressed the button for the ground floor. The doors closed and he let out a soft sigh, the memory of him and Minyu was still fresh in his thoughts.

He couldn't help himself returning to the past with the wounds still so fresh. He recalled her face when she threw the engagement ring on the table. He was still shocked at her gesture. Why? He couldn't muster a reason why she did it.

The ride on the elevator felt like forever. He did not even register when the doors opened, he only realised when they were about to close before him. He threw out his hand to stop the doors and climbed out.

The ground floor was dark. Jin looked around confused. Tae said that they were still around so why was everything so dark? He shook his head and walked out the front door. He sprinted towards his driver who stood patiently, leaning against his car.

"Are you alright, sir?" He asked and opened the back door.

"I am fine," Jin replied. "Take me home."

"Gladly, sir."

The driver closed the door and climbed into the driver's seat. He started the car and drove. Jin's company loomed in the background. He let out a sigh and stared down at his hands. The company he built from the ground up was going to crumble.

He felt powerless. He felt his heart crumble and a tear running down his left cheek. Minyu had always been there for him. She had whispered sweet words of encouragement when his movies stopped winning awards.

"We are almost home, sir," The driver said and looked back. "Sir, are you sure everything is alright?"

Jin nodded. He didn't trust himself to speak. He looked up, yes... Almost home or not home. There was a saying. "Home is where the heart is." If his heart was not at home, then where was it?

The silver gates drew closer. They did not need to stop. The gates opened as they approached. The drive up to the mansion was over before he could blink. His driver opened the door for him. "Welcome home, sir."

Jin gazed up towards his mansion. It was shrouded in complete darkness. No welcoming light, no one to greet him at the entrance and asked how his day had been. Just complete darkness with silence. 

"Thank you, Hue. I will see you in the morning," Jin said and started to climb the stairs.

"Sir, where is lady Minyu?" Hue asked and closed the car door.

Jin froze. He had not informed his staff that Minyu had left him. She would not be returning to their house and... "She will not be here this evening."

A lie. Why did the lie fall so easily from his lips? He would have to tell them the truth sooner or later. He did not stay to hear Hue's reply and walked up to his front door. He pushed it open slowly and whispered. "I am home."

No one to great him. He switched on the light. The welcoming hall still showcased events of what happened yesterday evening. He did not get everything and an angry sigh escaped his lips. He would call the cleaning agency tomorrow so that they could come and clean up this mess.

He walked to his study. It was two doors down. He loosened the black tie around his neck while opening the door. His hand reached out to feel for the light, he narrowed his eyes at the brightness. The posters that used to hang, proudly displayed, on the walls were torn and hung limply.

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