*DISMISSED*[mandatory ]

119 13 1

This is to inform every judge and every participant of the contest.

Please read it carefully,any participant who doesn't obey,and you do not respond the judge or host, your book will be exhibited from the contest.

''any participant who has changed book name, inform judges, kindly within 16 hours,or speak about the matter to your judge,and kindly follow them,or else there won't be any pros and cons,book will be out of contest

If you have unpublished a book,change the account name, book name, done changes in book,inform strictly to judges, not host''

''All judges need to submit book before.or on 15th Sept 2021, whoever cannot allot a person as judge,if you are new on platform, you shouldn't have applied for judge,if you are unaware of the ppl,in your fandom,do not make lame excuses......''

''ANYONE WHO IS FOUND BRIBING WILL BE BLACKLISTED,this results in a ban in participation in any contest, and your account will be reported to other contests hosts  too''

Queries  kindly ask me:

Most of the judges haven't submitted books,any problem,message in pm,do not sit idle.


The Host.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2021 ⏰

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