The wolf snagged its first victim with its mouth, then the next as it stalked forward.  People were screaming and running as the battle continued, blood spilling and bones crushing as the wolf kept eating her attackers.

This is war...

Lilly screamed from the inside of the wolf's stomach as she saw everything that was happening, banging her fists on the walls of her fleshy cage.

This is war...

The dark monster's magic flowed throughout the area, coating everything it touched in black, oily liquid.  Soon only Mr. Welsh was left standing as he continued to shoot the beast to no avail.

"Hang on, Mrs. Morgan!" Mr. Welsh yelled as he reloaded with silver bullets.

"Kill it!" she screamed.

The black wolf cackled softly as she approached Mr. Welsh whose feet were now stuck in the black goo.  He couldn't get unstuck but he kept shooting anyway.  The wolf almost smiled before taking its massive jaws, ensnaring Mr. Welsh in her mouth and chomping while swallowing him down.

The monster...

...has awoken...

Lilly watched in terror as Mr. Welsh's crumpled body descended into the stomach.

The storm has come...

A strong wind started swirling around the wolf, spreading to the edges of the magical barrier that encased every living thing and object that the wolf was planning on having for itself.

Now it...

The wind went faster, pulling anything it could towards the black monster.


"I'll huff..." the wolf said.

Is this how it...

"And I'll puff..."


"And I'll blow yer house in..."

The wind became disastrous as houses and buildings began exploding and tearing apart.  A dark wind encircled the wolf as everything flew toward her and she began consuming everything into her mouth and skin, biting on wood, flesh and metal.

This is war...

Fire stormed down around the wolf and she continued eating like a gluttonous pig.

This is war...

Anyone that was still alive was screaming for their lives as they were sucked into the wolf's mouth, others being burned alive by fire.

This is war...

The black liquid beneath her bubbled as bodies, both alive and dead, drifted near to the wolf.

This is war...

Lilly cried and screamed as the wolf's belly filled up with the souls of the people the wolf had just consumed, their spirits reaching for Lilly and begging for her help.  Soon Lilly was completely overwhelmed by dead body parts and souls, her own form being crushed by the weight of them all before sinking into darkness.

Lilly swam through the darkness, trying to find her way up until she broke to the surface, coughing as she crawled out.  As she raised her head, she stared at the surrounding area.  Everything was covered in black, oily goo and fire was everywhere.  Suddenly Lilly vomited and coughed up pieces of buildings and people, looking down in horror at what she was regurgitating.


"What is this?" she asked out loud in mortification. falling...

Now the war is coming...

Lilly stood up slowly, noticing that she was completely naked and covered in mud, blood and dark magic residue.

The world goes...


Lilly did the only thing she could think of at that point.  She turned and ran away in fear of what she had done.

The end is just beginning...


Yes, this is a very short chapter, but please let me know what you guys think of it.  Do I need to make improvements on it?  Was the timing right?  Any critiques you can think of are welcome.

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