You've Been in Quite A Few

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"Billie, I have noticed you've spent quite the time on your device

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"Billie, I have noticed you've spent quite the time on your device. New friend?" Barbara questioned me. We were having dinner together, a rare occurrence. I wasn't surprised that her first question was something that couldn't have sounded any more passive aggressive.

"Correct. A new friend of mine that I met the morning we went to the cafe." I answered.

"Mmm. We'll have to background check her, and if she passes then she may come to the wedding. I saw you two having quite the time outside the maze yesterday. A picnic?" Father said, I felt uneasy knowing that I was being watched without even knowing.

"Yes. She makes me smile." I admitted.

"She seems nice, however the attire she wore before you gave her yours was just screaming lower class. You really did charity work." Step-mom scoffed, sipping her expensive wine.

"I only wanted to give it to her just in case we can't see each other again." I defended myself.

"You sound like you're in love with all that talk, dear. But it's been years since you got out of that.. phase. Don't tell me it's coming back." Father said worriedly, resting his utensils down on the table. I gulped and smiled reassuringly.

"It's not. She's just a friend." I lied. Being lesbian is not a phase. It's my sexuality and it cannot be changed and I do not wish for it to be changed. Every man I've met, besides my brother, has only let me down, abused me, used me. But the women around my age.. they have almost always been so nice to me.

"Good. You already have a man, no need to complicate things with something that comes and goes." Step-mom said arrogantly. I very much wish to punch her straight in her plastic boobs someday. Hard.

"I do not like Mark. He hits me." I put my utensils down, causing them to stop eating.

"For good reason. You are just so difficult at times, Billie. Even I can't refrain from it. Just work with him-"

"I will not! I am your daughter, and some 30 year old man is laying his hands on me and threatening me everyday and you don't give a damn!" I shouted, slamming my open hands on the table. Father stood up and stormed around the table to get in my face,

"That language is not tolerated by you. It's your fault! If you just give him what he wants, he wouldn't have the need to be so violent with you!" He shouted back, so I stood up to challenge him.

"What kind of father agrees to arrange his 18 year old daughter with a 30 year old PEDOPHILE!" I screamed.

He had enough and slapped me across the face so hard I fell to the floor. I held my reddening cheek and held in the tears of mixed emotion, I felt a hand grab my bruised arm and lift me to my feet. He forced me to look at him, wrapping his fists around my wrists too tight and spoke aggressively,

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