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her ankles were crossed and resting on his lap as they watched criminal minds, as usual. jonah had gotten a strong love for the tv show probably due to how many times ezra made him watch it with her.

his eyes were glued to the tv while hers were glued to him. she loved watching him doing simple things, weather it was being on his phone or taking care of her plants. she loved it almost as much as she loved him.

the words hadn't been spoken yet but ever since her revelation at the studio that day she began to pay closer attention. during their friendship, they had said those words but now that they were together thay hadn't even dared uttered it for fear of moving too fast. sure, they always joked round with each other about how they hated ech other while the other would say "no you dont" but they never clarified what it meant.

"ezzie?" his voice snapped her out of her thoughts and she looked at him.


"are you even watching?" he asked even though he already knew the answer.

"yea..." she lied.

"then what just happened?"

she took a quick glance at the tv screen, "uh morgan and spencer are walking on the rose petals in the hallway."

he rolled his eyes, "thats you already watched this episode."

she grinned, "spencer with that cane is the hottest thing ever."

"what about me?" he pouted.

"you're in like third place," she teased and he gasped. "it's emily, then spencer, then you."

"i feel so betrayed, c'mere," he urged her to come closer to him so he could cuddle with her.

"good, you should," she said, resting her head on his shoulder.

it was quiet for a moment before he broke the silence, "ezzie?" he asked softly.


"i love you."

her head snapped up in shock, she had honestly expected herself to say it first.

"what? why are you looking at me like that?" he asked, worriedly.

she shook her head, "i love you too."

she then pressed a soft kiss to his lips. it was like a feather falling to the ground, soft and gentle. his hands softly caressed her cheek as he pressed a kiss to her forehead and brought her head to his chest. the grin on his face was large and one could have sworn someone told him he just won a million dollars. hell, maybe he did because he that moment he felt like he was floating, his heart was even pounding.

she loved him.

his girl loved him too.


bitch why did i start singing "you will be my girl, my girl, my girl, my girl" as soon as i wrote the last line??

um also its the end of the series :(((

im sad its been like over a year since i started writing it ahhh

if u wanna see more of me which im sure u do my harry styles book is gonna be out soon like next week hehe

also there will be an epilogue

n e wayss

recommended song isss

story of my life by one direction

August 25, 2021

- esther

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