-twenty four-

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to say she was nervous was the understatement of the year. she couldn't believe she actually gave him her address. she never thought she would have such a friend like him, he was without a doubt her best friend. her favorite person as they both liked to put it.

she was quite excited tho, she would finally meet the boy whose gorgeous smile and playful personality never failed to lift her spirits.

to her, he was an angel sent down to make sure she would never be sad. and now she would meet him, face to face.

she hoped she didn't say something stupid that would make him laugh at her or leave. when she was talking to him online it was much easier because she could think over what she was typing before sending it but in real life there was no way to do that.

she was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a soft knock on her apartment door. it was so in character of him to knock instead of ringing the bell. that little action caused a smile to force its way up to her lips.

she smootened down her clothes in nervousness and opened the door. when her eyes met his, her breath caught in her throat. there was was, standing in front of her with his beautiful smile.

"hey," was all he said before she flung herself at him and pulled him into a tight hug, her face buried in the crook of his neck. he did not hesitate to reciprocate the hug, and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

"if i knew i was gonna be attacked i would have worn so armor," he chuckled.

"i can't believe you're here," she said. she could feel her eyes watering but she blinked the sters away willing herself not to lose compusre on the first minute of meeting.

"me either," he grinned. they finally pulled out of their hug and she led him inside her apartment. "your place is so cute,"

"i know, i have such incredible decorating skills," she said, flipping her hair in a teasing manner.

he laughed as he sat down on the couch and she sat down a few spaces away from him so she could place her legs on his lap. he gave her look that said he very unimpressed by that but made no move the remove her legs.

"let's watch criminal minds, i'm missing my wife," she insisted. he rolled his eyes but made no verbal complains and she giggled. she couldn't help but realize how despite the fact that it was their first time meeting they fell into such a comfortable atmosphere. an outsider would think they had been friends for years.

she smiled at him, he was intently watching the show while, for once she wasn't actually paying attention to it. she was looking at the angel on her couch.


awwwww i cont beliebe they met

part 2 of them meeting is next chapter and u wont believe what happens next

*youtuber thumbnail & title*

n e wayss

recommended song isss

power by little mix


i love this song

August 19, 2021

- esther

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