-twenty three-

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jojo siwa🎀

do u think it's weird that we haven't met yet

jojo siwa🎀
I mean it depends on if ur ok with meeting me
do u want meet me tho?

yes but im kinda nervous lol
ur literally my fav person and I feel like if we meet ill saying something dumb and you'll hate me

jojo siwa🎀
I would never hate u ezzie

stop calling me ezzie

jojo siwa🎀
do u not like it?

I do I do
it just makes me very flustered lol
no one's ever given me a nickname before

jojo siwa🎀
well consider this ur first and last nickname because ur mine forever

why did I just imagine u doing a evil laugh
I'm scared I shouldn't watch so many crime shows lol

jojo siwa🎀
aww do u want me to give u a hug

yes plz
my address is 69 xxxx street

jojo siwa🎀
woah did not expect that
I'm on my way baby gorl🥳


omg r they about to meet rn??

i ordered some new sneakers for school and theyre coming tomorrow im so exicted cuz thyre so cute ughhh

n e wayss

recommended song isss

work bitch by britney spears

ugh i love this song

it pops into my head at random moments of the day lol

August 19, 2021

- esther

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