5: Apologetic

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13/06/21 - Seven Months Earlier

"I'm gonna throw up" I groan, watching Thea dip her apple slices into peanut butter.

Who the fuck eats peanut butter by choice?

"Can you at-least throw up quietly" she mumbles with a mouthful of food.

"How are you eating that" i grimace.

"Baby likes it" she snaps, rubbing her pregnant stomach with a pout.

I'd be lying if I said Thea and her pregnancy cravings didn't make me want to throw my own guts up more and more each day, it started off with eating two bags of those mini blocks of cheese within five minutes flat and then came the obsessive eating of lemons.

I'm sure just sucking on a lemon on the daily is not normal, the fucking physcopath didn't even flinch at the sourness

After the lemons came this stupid peanut butter and apple slices nonsense. I've lost count of the amount of apples I've had to sit there slicing for her, and that's just from today.

"You made This thing too" she whimpers, pointing to her belly with tear filled eyes.

Fuck pregnancy, never again.

"Baby, what I meant to say was; I really fucking love you and our baby girl so much that it doesn't even bother me about what you eat" I smile, helping her zip up her dress from the back.

"Now you're lying" she shouts, turning to face me with narrowed eyes.

Like I said, never again.

"Of course not butterfly, I love peanut butter too, look" I smile enthusiastically and reach down to grab the jar of it, shaking it next to my head.

"Prove it" she demands, handing me a spoon.

"Where the fuck did you get a spoon from?" I screech.

"I'm magic Harry! Now eat the peanut butter" she screams in response.

"Oh look at the time, Niall's gonna be mad at you if we're late to dinner"  I frown, changing the subject.

"Niall? He'll be mad at me?" She gasps, the tears returning in a flat second.

"Yes baby, we better hurry!" I shout dramatically, hurrying her out the door.

"If he's mad at me I'm telling him you tried to kill me" she sobs when we reach the car.

"When have I ever tried to kill you" I let out a loud laugh at her dramatic antics.

"When we made this!" She screeches, pointing towards her stomach again "you choked me and I- I couldn't breathe"

"You could breathe. And hey- it takes two to tango" I hum as we drive.

"We weren't Dancing Harry we were making love" she grimaces.

"Why cant you just say the word sex" i mumble.

"It's gross, also don't think I'm letting you off the hook with that foul language, there's a child present" Thea lectures.

This lecture then turns into another five about how i need to stop swearing in-front of our unborn child, and then about how I apparently leave the toilet seat up all the time.

I just nod along to her incessant chatting, inputting short responses when necessary until we reach Niall and Zayns house.

Thea wastes no time in hauling herself from the car and stumbling straight to the door, knocking loudly and desperately until Niall answers the door.

As soon as he opens it she wraps her arms around his torso, pulling him into an apologetic hug.

"I'm so so so sorry Ni" she mumbles into his chest, making him send me a confused look.

"Harry tried to kill me" Thea blurts as soon as we actually step inside the house.

"I did not!" I shout defensively.

"You did so" she replies, poking my chest with her index finger.

"You liked it" i fire back, shaking my head at her.

"I hope you get your Willy stuck in your zipper" she says before storming off towards the other boys' girlfriends, leaving me to explain whatever the fuck that was to the confused looking group of my friends stood around me.

"Fuckin pregnancy" i groan.

"Cheers to that" Liam shouts.

His girlfriend Lucie is pregnant too, a few months behind Thea actually.

Our baby girl is due next month, I'm excited for the pregnancy mood swings to end but more importantly I'm excited to meet our girl.

We've decided to just choose a name that suits her once she gets here, we have a list of names that we both hate and another list of names we love; that way there's no arguments.

"Harry" I hear her groan from the next room "I'm stuck in the chair- help" she whines.

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