2: Convinced

6 1 14

04/09/18 - Three Years Earlier

"Shh" Thea giggles from beside me as she drags me slowly down the stairs, careful not to make any noise.

"If they catch you-" I begin quietly, intertwining my fingers with hers.

"They won't- as long as you shut up" she hisses with a smile, pointing towards the living room. I hear the light hums of the TV playing and her parents hushed chit chat through the closed door.

"You're cutting it close this time" I warn, squeezing her hand lightly three times.

"It adds to the fun Harry, don't be a bore" she chuckles, Making sure to add a dramatic eye roll.

It's bad enough her making me sneak in through her window to spend the night with her, and now she wants me to sneak out the front door with her in order to go to the fair.

"Why didn't you just ask if you could go?" I question quietly, watching as she starts snaking her way down the corridor, placing her back against the wall next to the living room door.

"Dad would say no, you know what he's like when it comes to me going out at night" she whispers softly before quickly dashing past the room and towards the front door.

"So move out" I shrug, keeping my voice hushed but loud enough for only her to hear me.

"You're insane" she chuckles, gesturing for me to run across the hallway.

I smile at the sound of her laugh, she's always smiling or laughing. I shake my head at her antics as we run out the front door like teenagers, you wouldn't think we're twenty and twenty one would you?

We both hop into the car before her parents have time to notice and quickly drive off her street, waiting until we're in the clear to play music.

As soon as we get on the highway Thea connects her phone to my stereo.

"I'm serious T" I say as we drive.

"You know money's tight lately Harry, I'm only earning so much from my artwork" she dismisses "I wouldn't be able to find a place cheap enough"

"I didn't mean rent your own place, butterfly" i mumble, hoping she catches on.

"Well then what did you mean" she questions as she flicks through the playlist we made for the car in search for a certain song, a look of concentration written across her face.

"Move in with me" I say quickly, moving my eyes from the road to study her reaction.

Her fingers stop scrolling through the music and stay frozen, hovering above the screen as she stares at me in confusion.

"What?" She whispers after a few moments of silence.

"Move in with me T, I mean it's not like we've only just gotten together, it's been five years baby I think we're ready"  I say softly.

Her face isn't convinced though, I put my eyes back on the road as she just stays silent, staring at me.

"Thea fuckin' Kanallo, I've known you since you were fourteen and this is the only time you've ever been silent, don't leave me hanging" i smirk, eyes trained on the road.

"Well I guess it's settled then" she says finally "I'm moving in with you Mr Styles"

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