Chapter 23: A Change

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Zim's PAK was dented. Zim, of all Irkens. That unstoppable force of chaos that I had come to see as family... how did this happen?

This was worse than when he was locked up in Membrane Labs, prepped for dissection, because I wasn't sure if I could save him this time. At least then he was still conscious, but with how slowly and mercilessly Miyuki pulled his only life support out, it took the energy right out of him.

And his PAK was not connecting.

"He only has two minutes left. I've been trying all this time, but..." Gaz explained. "I'm sorry, Dib."

The alien monster I spent almost my entire childhood fighting never looked so small and fragile before. I gently placed a hand on his chest, feeling the pulse of his heartbeat, or whatever the Irken equivalent to a heart is. He was still alive, and yet... he wasn't.

"Zim... I don't know if you can hear me, but... I never wanted it to end like this. You were so paranoid about outliving me, but..."

At that point, I was too broken to speak. I held him close, trying not choke on my own tears. This wasn't supposed to happen. Why couldn't I have been the one to be killed? Zim would've been able to handle it.

No, that's not right. Zim would be broken too. He'd hide it better, sure, but he really changed. Earth changed him. I changed him.

For what felt like an eternity, I sat there, not wanting to let him go, knowing that every second that passed was bringing him closer to his final moment.

He was just barely breathing. Taking short, quiet little breaths. I noticed they started to become increasingly louder... and more exaggerated.

"Why must dying be so painful?" He complained.

"Okay, now you're just overselling it." Gaz stated.

Wait, what?

I practically tore Zim away from me, and sure enough, I was met with a pair of magenta bug eyes, wide open and indicative of him very much being alive. "Hey, Dib-stink."

I hugged him again for a brief second, then smacked him upside the head.

"Why would you fake being dead, you jerk!?"

"Correction: I was faking being on the VERGE of death! Besides, you should know by now it takes more than a dent to keep the mighty Zim down!"

At that, his PAK reattached itself. "Whattaya think? It suits me, right?" He asked, showing it off.

"But... you won't be able to fight anymore..." Mip stated.

"Eh, PAKs are overrated. We may need them to live, but they're not everything. You and me are living proof of that."

Mip wrapped him in a tight hug. I could tell Zim had reached his affection limit for the day, though.

"Alright, alright, that's enough of the death squeeze." He chuckled, nudging her away.

Everyone was quiet for a moment, until Purple cleared his throat to break the silence.

"So, um... when are you guys leaving?" He asked.

"Yeah, we've kind of got a lot of work to do here, and we hate you all, so..." Red added, trailing off.

"Oh yeah, we were just about to head out, actually." I replied. "Zim, do you remember where we parked?"

"Yes, of course. Come along! Earth awaits our return in all its filthy glory!"

As we were heading out, Red stopped us.

"Wait! Before you go, I forgot to mention, Tak and Skoodge are banished to Earth too. You know, since Tak tried to attack us and stuff."

"And Skoodge, we just really don't like you." Purple added.

"Figured we'd throw that out there in case they need a ride or something, so you don't have to make a second trip."

That is... both cruel and considerate at the same time.

Not much of interest happened on the trip home. Of course some chaos ensued since we had even MORE passengers the second time around, but I was grateful for it. It was a reminder that we all made it out of this ordeal alive.

Dad wasn't even shocked when we came home with two more Irkens. He was used to seeing them at that point, and didn't mind having them stay overnight while we figured out their living situation.

It took some convincing, but Zim agreed to let them both stay at his base with him.

We were all a little wary around Tak at first, but I guess being around humans tamed her, just like Zim. She and Gaz bonded over video games, and though she hasn't quite forgiven Zim yet, the two aren't constantly trying to kill each other and are able to live under the same roof. She also got close with Skoodge, Mip, and even Louie.

Tak continued to go to skool in her disguise. No one really remembered her from when she was briefly my classmate as a kid, so no one suspected anything. We also made a disguise for Skoodge because he wanted to be included.

I felt just a little better knowing Mip had them to look out for her. Of course, Moofy is still a problem, but she's outnumbered now, and she'll have a harder time convincing people that not one, but THREE of her classmates are aliens in disguise. I mean, what are the odds of that?

As for Zim, I was concerned about the PAK situation, but he assured me he was fine. Just like Mip, his defenses were no longer operating, and he was more vulnerable than he previously was, but at his core, he was still Zim. Even more so now than he ever was.

And me? Well, for once in my life, I finally feel like myself, and I'm happy with it. I'm at peace with the aliens that haunted my childhood, and I'm surrounded by people who actually understand me.

Right now I'm in online college, but on the side, my boyfriend and I are planning an underground organization to help paranormal creatures. I'm sure there are plenty of other beings out there who were led astray by a corrupt society or set up for failure and doom from the start, but now I know that I have the power to change that, and all the creatures that live in hiding among humanity don't have to suffer at the hands of people like the person I used to be.

A lot changed after hi skool. I didn't think I'd ever become friends with Zim. I didn't think I'd become a father so soon, especially not to an Irken child. I didn't think I could ever patch things up with Dad, or become closer with Gaz, or any of that. But here I am.

And hey, none of us are perfect. We're all still figuring things out every day. But I've gotta say, even with all the ups and downs, I wouldn't trade this life for anything.

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