[book 2] chapter eight: i get a mashed potato facial

Start from the beginning

"How about you buy me ice cream first and then I'll think about it?"

James sighed and raised his hands, surrendering. "Let's go, piggy."


I glanced out the window as I took a lick from my ice cream cone. Neapolitan, always a classic.

With his eyes still on the road, James handed me a napkin. "Your cone is dripping."

I was about to tell him he was mistaken, but when I looked down I was surprised to see ice cream sliding down my wrist. I licked it off instead of wiping it, earning a grimace from my boyfriend.

"At times like this, I remember you grew up with three brothers." Using the napkin, he wiped some ice cream residue off of my chin, his eyes still focused on the road as he drove.

"What am I going to do without my favourite servant?" I teased. I paused for a moment as I reflected on what I had said. "When are you going back to Penbrooke?"

His thumbs twiddled against the steering wheel as he waited for an opening to make a left turn. "I leave in two days."

Not to be dramatic, but it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. "Two days? It feels like you just got here!"

He rested his right hand on my knee and squeezed it as he steered left with his other hand. "I promise we'll make it work. I'll be back every weekend."

I frowned, losing my appetite for the remainder of my ice cream. "Only on weekends?"

"I'll come back as often as I can, even if it's just for the night," he assured. We drove in silence for a bit until he spoke again. "I'm supposed to have dinner at my mom's tomorrow. Do you want to come?"

I nodded my head eagerly, my sadness dissipating a bit. It had been so long since I'd seen Helena, and she was one of the few parents I actually enjoyed talking to. "I'd love to."

"She's going to be so happy to see you," he said with a grin. "Pick you up at six?"

"Sure, sounds great." I made a mental promise to have no more fights with James and enjoy our limited time together. If he was only going to be back for the weekends I wanted to make sure they were as blissful as possible. I placed my hand on top of his hand on my knee. "I wish you didn't have to go so far."

James leaned over and kissed the top of my head before turning into our street. "It's only one more year." He paused. "Who knows? Maybe you can do your Master's at Penbrooke?"

Me? Doing my Master's at Penrbooke? Graduate school was just about the last thing on my mind. 

James pulled the car to a stop in front of my house instead of parking on his driveway. "You going somewhere?" I asked as I stepped out of the car.

"What do you mean?"

"Your house is over there, dummy." I pointed at the house beside mine, the same one he had moved into three years ago.

"I'm doing a grocery run," he said.

"Want some company?" I offered, walking up to James' open window so he could hear me better.

He shook his head. "Nah, I got to get a bunch of stuff. I didn't want to keep you out late."

I clicked my tongue. "Damn, I guess Tate isn't much of a shopper."

James scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Well, you know Tate."

I was about to say more about his lousy excuse of a guardian, but my phone suddenly vibrated, distracting me momentarily. I took it out of my pocket, my heart sinking in my chest when I saw the familiar unsaved number.

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