The Marauders: 2

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(Marauders Era + changed the timeline a bit)


"Has Y/N got a date to Slughorns christmas party?" asked Bellatrix, fidgeting with her wand in her hand.

"Rumour has it that she turned down everybody that asked her out." informed Lucius. "Besides, I think she has her eyes on the mudblood, Granger."

"Y/N Potter! With a mudblood! That's absolute filth." spat Bellatrix furiously, her grip on her wand tightening harshly. "She deserves someone that's just like her, someone who shares her interest! Like me! A pure-blood that likes the Dark Arts just like her—" she rambled.

"I'd rather spend a week in the Forbidden Forest with the oaf, Hagrid, rather than listen to you ramble about your obsessive love towards Y/N." said Lucius in a bored voice.

"Oh shut your greasy hair, Malfoy." said Bellatrix with a roll of her eyes, poking  Lucius's cheek with the tip of her wand in a playful manner.

"It is not greasy!" protested Lucius with a scoff. "It's just sleek and shiny!"

"Oh please, it looks like you spreaded butter all over it!"

"Shut up!"


The Marauders, Regulus, Lily and Hermione were all sitted in the Gryffindor Common Room. Lily and Hermione were reading a book, to no one's surprise.

"Okay, okay. This one is really simple." said Remus to Y/N who was sitting on the floor. "Think hot."

"Uh, uh, uh, water?" said Y/N uncertainly.

"No, think hotter." said Remus.

"Oi! Padfoot, Prongs! you prats, help me out here! Help me think of something that's hot!" yelled Y/N, catching her friends attention.

"Uh. Butterbeer?"

"Think hotter!" said Remus in a hurry.

"Granger!" said Y/N at once.

"Evans!" said James in an excited tone.

"Moony!" said Sirius with a smirk.

"Padfoot what the f—" snorted Remus, roaring with laughter as he clutched the side of his stomach, hurting slightly from the amount of laughter he was letting out.

Lily flickered her eyes up onto the group before nudging Hermione's shoulder. The bushy haired girl lifted her red face, Lily practically could feel the heat radiating off her.

"Looks like someone's got a thing for you, Mione." snickered Lily with raised eyebrows, earning her a scoff from the bushy haired girl.

"Tell me something I don't know. She practically announced it to the entire bloody school yesterday." said Hermione quickly, averting her gaze back down onto the book.

Hermione didn't want to like Y/N very much. Perhaps it was because of the way her tie was always disheveled and undone, or maybe because of her floppy hair. Or perhaps how she always threw paper airplanes across the room.

Maybe it was because of her arrogant smirk, or how she shamelessly talked and flirted with Hermione with every opportunity she got.

Then a paper airplane landed on top of the book she was reading, containing the words 'You look gorgeous, pretty girl.' followed by a pathetic pick up line.

She lifted her face, her eyes instantly meeting Y/N's, along with her usual arrogant smirk. Yet Hermione couldn't help but feel her mouth twitch slightly, fondly rolling her eyes with a shake of her head and a sigh at the girls shameless flirting

"Granger, isn't kissing the language of love?" asked Y/N suddenly, scooting over to sit beside her.

"Yeah." said Hermione slowly. "Why?"

"Apparently I'm fluent in it. So would you like to have a good conversation?" said Y/N cheekily, already letting out a giggle at her own humour.

Hermione's face was basically as red as a bludger at this point. She quickly shook her head to regain her cool, her lips curling into a sly smirk as she shut her book close, setting it to the side. Oh she definitely wasn't going to let Y/N make her flustered.

She suddenly scooted herself closer to Y/N, grabbing the girls jaw, tugging it towards her gently yet firmly. Y/N could practically feel her heart almost thumping out of her chest, their faces just a few inches away from eachother, their noses brushing and both of their hitched breath fanning eachothers lips.

"Oh?" said Hermione with a low giggle. "Well, only if you insist, my love." she husked out, Y/N feeling chills down her spine at the intense look the bushy haired girl was giving her.

"Aw, Why so silent now? You were being so bold earlier. Have I already made you flustered?" Hermione cooed out teasingly as her lips curled into a mocking pout, tilting her head slightly, their faces only inching closer at the movement.

"You're all talk, Granger." said Y/N with her arrogant smirk, regaining her cool once more. "You wouldn't have the guts." she claimed, her smirk only widening at the feeling of Hermione's grasp on her jaw tightening.

"Is that so?" she hummed.

Before Y/N could respond, Hermione had tugged her face once more, pulling her into a bruising kiss. Godric, Y/N could practically feel her mind going blank in shock at the feeling of Hermione's soft lips, candy-like lips, like  candy that she couldn't help but want more, and more with each time she tasted it.

Their eyes fluttered close as Hermione's hand on Y/N's jaw travelled down onto her tie, wrapping it around her hands, pulling it harshly to push their faces impossibly closer as though she was desperate.

Hermione practically knew that she was being impassive, but she also knew that it felt right. Her free hand travelled behind Y/N's head, her fingers burying themselves in her hair as they pulled away just for a millisecond to catch their breath, before connecting their lips once more.

Merlin, Hermione felt like she and Y/N were in in own little world, not caring that they were practically having a snogging session on front of several Gryffindors and their friends. Her mind was going blank with each second that passed by, not even caring that she was basically out of oxygen, she felt as though Y/N was pulling her in like a drug, the more they snogged, the more that she wanted to keep on going.

"Alright, that's lovely but I think if you guys kept going you'd practically shag right here in the common room." said an amused Lily from behind Hermione.

They fluttered their eyes open, their lips still not disconnected. Their eyes bored into eachothers as Hermione bit down on Y/N's lip, pulling away with a pop. Their eyes were basically swirling in happiness, the room silent as they all processed what had just happened.

"I can't believe that I just—" gasped Hermione, shaking in her head in disbelief. She went into a fit of giggles, Y/N only watching her with a bemused look plastered on her face.

"Didn't know you had it in you, Granger." said Y/N with raised eyebrows, resting her forehead against Hermione's, both of them staring at eachother lovingly.

Little did they know that a certain Slytherin had watched the whole scene.

"I'll show you how it feels to be second best, Granger." muttered Bellatrix.

"Oi, Evans! It's our turn to snog!"


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