Just Friends

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Prompt: Y/N gets tired of seeing her best mate with her crush


It's been around a month ever since Ron and Hermione got together after the Yule Ball. Y/N was the bushy haired girls best friend. But the thing is, Y/N had a crush on the girl ever since she first boarded the Hogwarts Express.

Ron knew about Y/Ns little secret, and it infuriated her when her best mate went for the girl she liked ever since first year. Even before that. But Y/N learned to push her feelings away, more like bottling them up, telling herself that Hermione is her best friend, and only that. She also didn't want to ruin things for Ron who was like a brother to her.

But after a month of bottled-up feelings, they were gonna spill out, sooner or later.

Y/N was in the Gryffindor common room with the Golden Trio as always. Y/N was trying to concentrate on her Potions homework. She wasn't exactly keen to do it, she was merely trying to ignore the couple on front of her.

Y/N couldn't stand the both of them, especially at breakfast when they would feed eachother food. Y/N found that revolting. Probably because she thought that she ought to be in Rons place.

Y/N grew closer to Harry ever since her friends relationship. She confided him with how she felt about the both of them, and to your surprise, he completely agreed.

He agreed that he found them an odd couple, since they were usually bickering and sniping arguments with eachother.

Y/N was so consumed in her thoughts that she didn't realise the bushy haired girl sitting on front of her, trying to catch her gaze.

"Hey," said Hermione softly, lifting Y/Ns chin up with her finger, Y/Ns eyes meeting the honey-brown pair. "You okay?"

Y/Ns lip curled into a frown, her bottled-up jealousy and feelings on the edge. The bushy haired girl noticed how her face contorted with anger, but her eyes were telling a different story.

Y/N shook her head stiffly, backing away slightly from the bushy haired girl to get away from her touch, her back resting against the couch. Hermiones face immediately fell at Y/Ns action, her vision rather blurry now since her eyes were glossed over.

"Y/N?" said Hermione, her voice cracking. "What's wrong? Talk to me, please." she asked softly, going nearer to Y/N.

Y/N averted her gaze away from the Gryffindor girl, she knew that she herself would break down if she stared into those glossed eyes. She felt Hermiones hand reaching her jaw again, her thumb gently stroking her cheek.

Y/N trapped her bottom lip between her teeth in frustration. She wanted to melt into her touch, but she couldn't possibly allow herself too.

"I need a break from this. Our friendship." muttered Y/N, looking everywhere and anywhere but the girl on front of her.

She suddenly felt both hands cupping her face. Y/N grasped Hermiones wrists, trying to gently pry her hands off her face.

"W-Why?" stuttered Hermione, her grip on Y/Ns face only tightening as though she was afraid that she would just vanish out of nowhere. "You can't just do that. You're my best friend, my rock—"

But the Gryffindor girl didn't realise that she had just laid her finger on the problem. Y/N couldn't stand being only her friend. She didn't know if she was being greedy or not, but she didn't give a damn. She wanted Rons position. But it seems like she wouldn't get it any time soon.

"Granger, let me go, please—"

"H-How long?" asked Hermione, feeling her heart constrict but she was willing to give her space.

My Mudblood (GxG)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora